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Keirin's Fursona Avatar
Name:Keirin in Internet Offline
Member ID:5308
Last Active:07-26-2024 21:18 PM
Profile Views:17228
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Spots: howdy 44.8 days ago
wolfstarthesixth : hi your hot to bad for me that your taken 82.3 days ago
Sinclair the Bunny: boops :3 238.1 days ago
Jace_Dakota: Ive been well. How bout yaself? 245.2 days ago
Noah: -timidly waves hello- H-hai. Thank you for welcoming me here. 328.1 days ago
Ghost: 3 538.1 days ago
snow : leaves a few berries and a box of canine friendly chocolate on his den step (den porch lol) 827.8 days ago
EverestHusky: Well hello there! I'm the blue husky so come around and join me! Aroo, let's have some fun and krazy! 972.2 days ago
EverestHusky: Howls arf youwu fur-friend? 985.1 days ago
L.Z: Hi, how are u? 1004.5 days ago
Yellow: Heyo, dude! Hope you're doing well! 1063.4 days ago
Jax: Howdy 1104.2 days ago
Jackle Animosus: pulls you close to my chest as we kiss passionately nooooo I love you way more 1130.5 days ago
Jackle Animosus: Nu I love you more 1133.6 days ago
Jackle Animosus: I love you 1138.5 days ago
Power wolf: Hey messege me if you want. I hope we can be friends. 1172.9 days ago
Jackle Animosus: I hope your doing well my love 1322.3 days ago
Spotsies: Oy! Pokes with a soft smirk hope you're having a great day! 1338 days ago
Jackle Animosus: Hey there 1340.7 days ago
Jackle Animosus: :3 1346 days ago
Riot: Hey wanna be friends? 1397.9 days ago
🐺BBWhiteWolf🐾: Thanks it's been awhile 1441.9 days ago
Spots: Yo what's up man, long time no see 1452.1 days ago
Spots: Yo what's up man, long time no see 1452.1 days ago
🐇🐾Kini Bunny🐾: pokes oh hi there! 1492.9 days ago
Takola Vashen: Same to you hun 1524.8 days ago
Takola Vashen: Same to you hun 1524.8 days ago
Takola Vashen: hugs back and nuzzles 1531.7 days ago
Takola Vashen: :o nuuuu the boops 1555.2 days ago
candycane: hello! im new here can ya show me the ropes? 1556.9 days ago
Takola Vashen: Rawrs :p 1559.3 days ago
glitchy: slaps a big paw print on your wall then teleports away 1584.3 days ago
snow the wolf: slaps my paw print on your wall and runs away 1622.7 days ago
snow the wolf: slaps my paw print on your wall and runs away 1622.7 days ago
jacob: hullo fellow floof! 1624.7 days ago
TiaraSnowfox: Aye 1648.7 days ago
Lars: Thanks! 1648.8 days ago
TiaraSnowfox: Hi 1652.8 days ago
jackson spring: i have a lot of positive feelings for you.... 1654.9 days ago
jackson spring: keir can i express my feelings to you? 1658.5 days ago
jackson spring: blep 1660.8 days ago
jackson spring: blep 1660.8 days ago
Takola Vashen: -boops back- heh that's good to hear :3 1662.1 days ago
Takola Vashen: Im doing pretty well now, thank you. How are you doing? 1673.4 days ago
Mint: Blep 1684.8 days ago
jackson spring: wassup 1694.8 days ago
💔Pistol Pete💔: floof 1696.3 days ago
Edible Diamond: hi :3 1766.5 days ago
Vulpes: Thanks, hope you have a good day as well : ) 1977.4 days ago
Little Tails: Thank you! Have another cookie for your kindness 2008.1 days ago
Ember Star: Hope you had a merry Christmas! 2039.8 days ago
Ember Star: I shall do my best ! Just arrived in Texas for the holidays. So we shall see how the day goes :) 2042.8 days ago
Ember Star: I love woofs BTW !! Hope all is well. 2044.2 days ago
Ember Star: Thanks for the welcome ! :) 2044.2 days ago
razzle: pounces and hugs 2084.8 days ago
Silas Blackheart: I like yours too 2132.8 days ago
Silas Blackheart: Thank you, i had it drawn for me. 2133.6 days ago
Hefty Sheppy: hey there, i like your avatar 2144.7 days ago
Kdog: Thank you for the welcome :3 2154.7 days ago
Rekub: You as well good sir 2178.3 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: slaps a big paw print on your wall... 2179.5 days ago
Sen: I had a great time today. Thanks! 2189.4 days ago
mewster the femboi kitty: Myaaah x3 2279.3 days ago
Frexy: hey honey 2366.5 days ago
Roronoa: Petpets.- 2621.9 days ago
Ravax the wanderer: pokes wall 2622.3 days ago

About Me:

Hi there, I am a kind of happy lucky go kind of a guy~ I hope to get to have pleasant conversations with you

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