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Jackle Animosus's Fursona Avatar
Name:Jackle Animosus in Cincinnati Offline
Relationship:Single, Not Looking

Gamer furs
vore muzzs
Ohio furs
Fuzzy Love
Pokemon Fans
Member ID:5952
Last Active:02-13-2024 00:46 AM
Profile Views:11695
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
Kik:Hidden from Guests
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FurAffinity:Hidden from Guests
Facebook:Hidden from Guests
SecondLife Name:Jackle Animosus

Future Space for Blogs

SacroBiBear: Woah...hello! 882.5 days ago
Keirin: boops 926.2 days ago
Keirin: grips your chest fur as I kiss you nooo I love you more 1132.2 days ago
Keirin: I love you more 1135.3 days ago
Keirin: blows a kiss 1300.8 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: around 1305.2 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: snifffs aroud 1305.2 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: nudges your wall, leaving a well defined print 1308.7 days ago
Keirin: I wish the same for you hun 1318.1 days ago
Keirin: How is my babe 1339.1 days ago
Keirin: Boop 1341.5 days ago
Keirin: I hope you are doing well 1350.2 days ago
scott: Hello 1350.8 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: marks the foxes wall so I can find it again.. 1777.8 days ago
Roronoa: Pets him on the head.- 2279.8 days ago
Aurora : Mine 2814.2 days ago
💕Frosty 💕 : Presses my paw to his wall 2820.7 days ago
Kairon: Pokes wall Hello! Nice picture x3 2834.6 days ago
Nao: Mah boi! Vore is why all true warriors strive for! ? XD 3242.9 days ago
Jackle Animosus: no i didn't im not that talented X3 3326 days ago
Shon: That's a really lovely profile picture. Did you draw it yourself? :) 3326.1 days ago
Jackle Animosus: ive been here before you silly X3 3329.1 days ago
🔥🎶Stripes🎶🔥: welcome to FT your wall virginity ish mine 3329.1 days ago

About Me:

Welcome to my profile. I'm a super lovable and loyal Fox who loves to chat so feel free to message me. I'm pretty open about myself and usually will answer anything you might want to know.

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