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Kovu's Fursona Avatar
Name:Kovu in phoenix Offline
Relationship:Single and Looking

Arizona Furs
Gamer furs
Single Furs
Steam furs
D and D Furs
PS4 Furries
PSN furries
Kingdom Hearts Furries
Kinky Furs
Member ID:2
Last Active:06-05-2024 08:06 AM
Profile Views:27235
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Skype:Hidden from Guests
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SecondLife Name:kovu Mixmaster
PSN Name:king_kovu

Future Space for Blogs

Mirau: hai hai 1429.1 days ago
Mirau: hai hai 1429.1 days ago
jacob: hello! 1639.8 days ago
Akaiya: Thanks for stepping up. 1648.1 days ago
Terra Mishu: Dab on the admin 1649.3 days ago
Takola Vashen: Hi hi :3 1652.3 days ago
Dave Jay Cloud obsessed with men and Japanese culture: hi 1694.6 days ago
Sam: Hello :3 2310.7 days ago
мαу: Tada 2551.1 days ago
мαу: She grinned and spray painted an opossum silhouette on his wall. 2551.1 days ago
Taffy: slaps a pink paw print on your wall 2907.9 days ago
Lokyr: Amazing profile O: Also hello x3 2909.7 days ago
Charuna: hi there Kovu 2918.5 days ago
Kit Paws: hi hi i just now join the site after we talked irl 2930.6 days ago
Silver Heart: Hoi 2966.1 days ago
Zuulass: Thanks 2974.8 days ago
Milkies : How goes it friend ? C: 2979.2 days ago
Kovu: hehe 2981.2 days ago
Milkies : pokes in and rolls around 2985.1 days ago
Jamyfur: hi 2985.4 days ago
Soapyotter: hi! I know a Kovu in Seattle he's pretty awesome, I bet that carries from Kovu to Kovu snugs! 2994.7 days ago
Neo: How are u 3040.3 days ago
Neo: Hi 3042.4 days ago
darkbunnygirl89: Hi how this furry I sorry been busy hugs ttyl 3043.2 days ago
YappiePanRockinaPa: after noticing F4L came back to life , I know know other sites like this one aren't all that bad, so i wanted to start saying hello. 3049.6 days ago
octibit: hello 3088.3 days ago
St☆rdust Rose: hello!!! 3096.7 days ago
Cain: (writes all over the wall) 3117.1 days ago
Kryslin: Hi I'm kryslin want to be friends 3193.8 days ago
Stripes: humps your wall.....feel teh loves 3214.3 days ago
Hemms: Oh man I LOVE lions 3 3319.7 days ago
darkbunnygirl89: hugs hope u do ok 3368.5 days ago

About Me:

im a cool lion... feel free to add me on Second Life is Kovu Mixmaster ^_^


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