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MrTwinky's Fursona Avatar
Name:MrTwinky in Candyland Offline
Species:German shepherd
Relationship:Single, Not Looking

Member ID:1766
Last Active:11-15-2023 10:17 AM
Profile Views:30243
Distance: Miles
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Future Space for Blogs

πŸ’™ Lucy πŸ’™: Lays a few lasting paw prints on his page 12.9 days ago
BonBon: Smacks a paw print on the wall and runs 745.4 days ago
snow : leaves a few berries and a box of canine friendly chocolate on his den step (den porch lol) 787.4 days ago
πŸ’™ Lucy πŸ’™: Well your muzzle wasnt there at the time or else it would have been smothered by me 919.7 days ago
πŸ’™ Lucy πŸ’™: Drags butt all over his wall 924.8 days ago
LZ: Leaves a technological paw print on your door. 975.8 days ago
snow or Felix : places a paw print on the wall 976.6 days ago
Morganna: Thank you, love your profile, quite the lovely display picture as well 997.1 days ago
πŸ’™ Lucy πŸ’™: Twinky dont say that. I legit got all emotional. I miss you my doggo We gotta catch up one day. Either text or discord 1041.5 days ago
Fuzzyfoxfluffs: Bork Bork 1083.7 days ago
Kendra: -Puts a sticker of a Hostess Twinky on your page- 1575.2 days ago

About Me:
Hello my name is Twinky, I am a old German shepherd just hanging out like a dog dose, I’m a lot of fun to hang out with but beware I do have a dark side like anyone else.


I do have a telegram and my user on that is @inaudibletwinky, come chat with me whenever you like!


Age: Yes age.

How tall: 6 foot 1

Build: twink.

Species: German shepherd, or Doggo

Furr colors: blue, black, gray, and purple

Top or bottom? I am a switch, meaning that I enjoy to do one or the other just really depends on my mood.


My back story is mine and I keep it to myself and tell my close friends, I only do this so i can kind of keep myself safe from some people.

I am always looking for other furs to chat with so don't hesitate to message me here or on telegram

Oh i love femboys! And sometimes I am one so watch for that hah.

Some times I wish life had a restart button.

I do have depression and sometimes its a little hard to hide my emotions I'm sorry in advance.

Pic is of my sona and was made for me by a friend of mine ^~^

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