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Air's Fursona Avatar
Name:Air in City Offline
Relationship:Single and Looking

British Furrs
gay yiff
Crossdressing Furs
Bisexual Furs
Member ID:1929
Last Active:03-16-2024 07:12 AM
Profile Views:21637
Distance: Miles
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Future Space for Blogs

Dezzy: Yapyap 319.6 days ago
Fluffy Flower : Thanks for the welcome 339.9 days ago
Kaeo: cute sona! 436.7 days ago
snow or zach: My puppy 465.7 days ago
FurryMurrey: I Love Your Cute Picture 720.8 days ago
hi: aw man sorry I missed your post! my wall doesn't notify me. thank you! 722.6 days ago
Candy: Leaves a paw print as I explore 737.7 days ago
Lou : Thank you for the welcome, hun! 872.5 days ago
EverestHusky: Let's bring the party animals! Whoo! 973.2 days ago
Redacted: if only i was in england so i could hang with teh best wolf, ill bug ya soon 974 days ago
EverestHusky: Howls arf youwu fur-friend? 985 days ago
EverestHusky: Wild & free! Just getting Krazy! 985.1 days ago
EverestHusky: Good & Krazy! 991.1 days ago
LZ: Leaves a technological paw print on your door. 991.8 days ago
EverestHusky: So adorable wolf!!! 992 days ago
EverestHusky: Arrooo! 992.1 days ago
EverestHusky: Bark Bark Hi!! 992.1 days ago
EverestHusky: Hi There! I'm here to make new best friends! Nice picts! 997.1 days ago
LZ: Hi, how are u? Also I love your profile picture. :3 998.5 days ago
savage lion the SEA: your picture is adorable 999.4 days ago
🐺BBWhiteWolf🐾: woof woof 1006.4 days ago
snow or Felix : leaves a paw print on his door 1015.8 days ago
Star PupCat: boop Hehe 1017.4 days ago
Koda: ; 1019.4 days ago
Koda: Your wall has been booped back 1021.4 days ago
Koda: Your wall has been booped back 1021.4 days ago
Olu: Hiya! I just wanna say thanks for greeting me on my page :) 1214.6 days ago
Renaux: Thanks for the welcome. 1218.9 days ago
Taylor: Thank you for the boop smiles softly as I gently boop your wall as well 1425.9 days ago
articumbreon: -leaves a glowing yellow paw print on your wall then shyly walks off into a cave yellow rings on tail and ears glowing as well as eyes glowing also black fur blending into the darkness of the cave- 1426.2 days ago
Celer: cute avatar 1433.8 days ago
Riffy: Slobberly licks page. Talk to you later Kass. bug ya on tg 1504 days ago
Pyn: Boo 1517.7 days ago
Riffy: BAP 1520.5 days ago
candy cane: why thank you 1528.3 days ago
candy cane: you have a nice profile pic 1528.6 days ago
candy cane: -i leave a tiny paw print on your wall- noice :3 1528.7 days ago
jackson spring: wassup i le boops your wall 1656.8 days ago
Grawlix: DAS BOOP 1662.4 days ago
Takola Vashen: Boops your wall In return :p 1672.9 days ago
Moonlightwolfpup: aww so cute pets 1731.8 days ago
Akaiya: Spots the little bubble wolf thingy and I kiss its head gently. Hiya! 1809.1 days ago
Little Tails: Hiya, wolfie. Cool profile pic 2008.6 days ago
Chaktau: Hey there :3 2069.7 days ago
✠ϟtorm✠: hello 2086.8 days ago
Solara: Hey pokes you :3 2089.8 days ago
Wolfsbaneisme: What's up 2097.8 days ago
PlasmaMan: Hello from Florida! 2126.5 days ago
Tobias Ashfall: Hey hey! 2130.2 days ago
Cynergi: hello to you too 2132.8 days ago
Guardian: Boops his nose.- Haven't talked to you in months 2134.4 days ago
Nicolette: Hallu 2137.7 days ago
Naughtyfur: Bop lol 2187.4 days ago
Akula RaZull: chomp shark bite!! 2198 days ago
Minty (peppermint): You have a very cute fursona 2198.8 days ago
Sam: Is ok :3 2244.7 days ago
Sam: Hi :3 2248.4 days ago
Riffy: 38 days later random demon says HELLLOOOO sorry i missed ya 2342.1 days ago
AkumaXDemon: Sup 2380.4 days ago
Pill : Hello random Wolf! 2381.8 days ago
Adam The Chespin: Arf! 2404.5 days ago
Archie: Heya :) 2460.8 days ago
Archie: Heya :) 2460.8 days ago
Archie: Heya :) 2460.8 days ago
Ava Eshy: hello random wolf 2481.6 days ago
Dust : Hi there 2551.2 days ago
Phillo: haiiii 2552.9 days ago
Luna: Hello random wolf _ 2558.8 days ago
TehJackal: Hello random wulf 2559 days ago
snow: just a random wolf saying hello dabs 2559 days ago
snow: just a random wolf saying hello dabs 2559 days ago
snow: just a random wolf saying hello dabs 2559 days ago
snow: just a random wolf saying hello dabs 2559 days ago
Vulpes: hi hi . 2559.7 days ago
мαу: Hello hun. 2559.8 days ago
Stormraven: Thank you for the hello, turnabout is only fair play, so a merry hello to you. 2563.6 days ago
Cipher: Thanks for the warm welcome! 2569.7 days ago
Roronoa: I've never seen you before so I'm shooting you a hello 2570.6 days ago
Coda Maray: So cute! I love the profile pic 3 2751.9 days ago
MrTwinky: Hello to you as well 2913.8 days ago
Flicker: Heya ;3 2916.4 days ago
Mitu: Hi 2968.8 days ago
🐆Whitepawzzz 🐆: Hello 3093.5 days ago
Cain: Ok so it's a sexy british wolf I guess. 3121.8 days ago
Cain: Sexy British husky. 3121.8 days ago
Lewis: Nice drawing 3124.6 days ago
Grayhuskie: Hi I'm grayhuskie want to be friends 3208.6 days ago
Artemida: Long time no see :) 3220.6 days ago
Devearux Black: Boop 3258.2 days ago
Airiles: Hello. 3268.1 days ago
Flora Eclair MagicCaster: Your wall it has been poked 3395.7 days ago
🐶 Half-Note 🐶: note 3395.8 days ago
🐶 Half-Note 🐶: Can we roleplay that I'm Jabba the Hutt and that you're Princess Leia aboard my Sail Barge? Horrible Star Wars innuendo just because, pls no block. On a more serious not, hiiiiiiiiiiii. :3 3395.8 days ago
night: hi 3424.6 days ago
Dashin Kazama : hi 3430 days ago
Cody the Kitty: sniffs you Hai :3 3456.5 days ago

About Me:
Hey I'm Air, I am a fun loving wolf who is looking for friends fun and more. I am a huge star wars, anime and game nerd. Please feel free to ask me anything don't be shy I don't bite unless you want me to :p.

I do try and be on here as much as I can but I can't always be so hit me up on other messengers if you want to talk

Love you all xox

Telegram is the best way to get a hold of me feel free to add me. @Ayrekass

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