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Fantasy meets Reality chapter two V2 Posted by: Shine at 03-19-2019 10:13 AM, Last Modified 03-21-2019 09:44 AM
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Cyden then found a little cave away from the battle going on back there hoping her newly found mother was alright. "Phew I got away, god was that King Jerold" Cyden said out of breath. She then looked at her paws noticing that they were bleeding from one of the arrows of an archer. She ran straight into the cave hearing only the wind a pair of footsteps from the bushes. Out came two soldiers, "I saw one of those creatures run this way" said one soldier pretty sure of himself. "Well then what are we doing here! Lets split up and find it, or King Jerold will have our heads" said the other in fright. Cyden then grasps the stone tightly, as it starts to glow in her paws. She looks at the stone that she holds and a reddish orange aura surrounds her hands and then it goes out as quick as it started. Her hands looking as if they had never been cut and thought maybe, just maybe that she could bring everyone back. Cyden then said "That's it! I can bring everyone back to life!" as she said that a little voice in her head appeared and said "No you mustn't go back and my power isn't that strong to bring back someone from the dead". She then said "Who said that, where are you" and she kept asking questions as it kept answering. "If you want to call me something other than stone then call me Vipine" said the stone. Cyden the nodded and they went outside of the cave to find out what to do next. Cyden then discovered Cyfern. "Cyfern!" she quickly said in fright. Cyfern then coughs with a bit of blood dripping from his mouth "Cyden they got me, you shouldn't be here get out of here now!". "I here someone! Over here!" said one soldier. Vipine then glows and turns them both invisible as the soldiers run past them. "Phew that was a close one" said Cyden. An arrow fly's past Cyden and straight into Cyfern's stomach as he gasps loudly for air. He feeling himself dying with every breath he takes from the air as Cyden tries to help him. "I can heal him if that is what you wish Cyden" said Vipine "Just put me on his wound and i will do the rest". Cyden does as she is told. Cyfern is then taken in the air a bit and starts to heal as more arrows start coming down like rain, Cyden frightened for her life, her birthmark then glows and changes shape from a tear drop into a shape that looked like a Yen Yang symbol. As the birthmark changes and continues glowing the arrows halt into a complete stop and are flung back to the archers. Cyden opens her eyes hours later with Cyfern standing over her, with her puzzled and wondering what had happened to her. "Cyden! Don't scare me like that again" shouted Cyfern. Cyden looks at him with a gaze and looks straight at the woods surrounding them. "Where are we Cyfern" said Cyden completely confused. "Why we are in the... umm... I do not know Cyden" said Cyfern even more worried. Cyden then quickly jumps up and looks at Cyfern's stomach "Does it hurt Cyfern". "No... well only a bit but it is starting to feel better" said Cyfern. "Alright you two, go over to the waterfall over there" said Vipine in an angered voice "And put me in the water so i can regenerate my powers". Cyden starts to get up but Cyfern takes Vipine away from her and drops him in the water "Is that good?" he said in a smart remark. "Yes actually" Vipine says as he fly's back into Cyden's paws. Cyfern then says "So Cyden... what was that power you displayed?". "I umm... I don't know, I can barely remember what happened..." said Cyden in a shy voice. "It was your birth right, the power you used was in your family for generations. And it all started with the birthmark that you have" said Vipine "And how would you know that!" said Cyfern in an angered voice. "I've been around way longer and was crafted from the very first of her family, and was passed around by her family, so of course i know things you would never know of her family" said Vipine in a smart tone. "Why you!" said Cyfern before interrupted by Cyden "That's enough out of both of you, your my Adviser and your my gemstone so quit arguing now" Cyfern and Vipine both kept quite for a while until "Let's go find somewhere to sleep for the night, cause it's cold out here" said Cyden.......

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Yuri Jaxis Wolfen: I love the story.The one part that makes me think and laugh at a little is when Cyfern and Vipine would argue.The story is well put together along with the backstory to the main character.

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