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Dark Love. Posted by: Driana Lé Souris at 09-16-2014 12:41 PM, Last Modified 05-06-2015 03:15 AM
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**** This Story Has Been Shelved And Will Not Have Any More Chapters. ****

¥Prologue¥: January 1812.

He dared... He abused... He hated... He loved...
'She'll cry and get over it. She'll hate you and then love you again; but one day she'll leave and she won't come back.'
~She was all his heart dared to beat for. ~

The panting was harsh as it echoed out alongside the quick snaps of broken twigs and leaves being torn in the process. Pounding hard steps as she broke into hard run. Everything left a trail, withering and dead as blood was spilt. The sounds of blood rang in her ears as her chest was pounded like a hammer by her heart, threatening to punch through the ribcage. A shot rang out as pure pain shot through her calf quickly having her collapse upon the floor. She tried her hardest to not give out her location to the primal hunter using her like a wild animal.
The female was small for her species, her clothing made by the leaves and vine of the forest leaving little for imagination for her built figure. Blood seeped down her thigh as she was stuffing the wound with dirt, jerking still as steps suddenly sounded so close. Fear sinking in as she tried to turn to hide against the tree trunk, using the vine to cloak herself; it was then that she saw him for the first time. His grin was what set fear into the pit of her stomach but soon and harsh enough blackness overcame her and she remembered no more.-

£. Chapter One. £ March 1815
The sounds of all the overlapping voices from whispers to shouts or merchants and buyers debating prices to make a quick sale were overbearing to the ears. Laughter was condensing only to be broken by shrieks of someone shouting thief across the courtyard. Typical.
Strong scent of spices, sweat and a sweet like fragrance filled the air it definitely was all bothersome, especially when being a slave day in and day out.
I have been awaiting this day for three years; ever since they had caught her and it was only recently that I had heard talk upon drunk men. I had been so sure I would never get to see her again. All these years, many wicked months, suffocating nights where her fear still haunted me. Never had I ever had this issue but since then I was never the same.
In the last three years I gave up the hunting, even used a third of my money to buy land and create the man I am today. I was famous for two things here in little ol' Georgia. Pie and Whores.
"Masta' It's bout time." The shaky voice of my slave broke into my thoughts quickly fading away the memories of the January that passed.
Standing up I made my way through the court exchanging a few salutations as the auction began. I didn't hold much interest in the old hags that looked much better six feet under, a peace of mind for them. By the time I went through the crowd approaching a good spot to take view and simply focus my attention on the women.
Seemed an eternity as what looked to be another female dragged onto the stage next something different held to the female an essence of pride. I scoffed, "Proud to be a slave?" I asked myself studying her. Several men throwing out their offers, I waited until just right to place my own bid.
"$350 Ova here!" Man number one.
"$375!" Old man.
"425!" Another man.

The numbers were quickly raising and yet I was growing bored with a tilt of my hat, "$1000 for the girl." Silence fell followed a few angry comments about not having another coin let alone to match my kind of offer. The auctioneer asked if anyone else would bet. Of course not, "Sold!"

It had taken three damn days to return back to the plantation but it felt longer to the slaves with bags over their heads and rope around their waists, not that I cared they were after all slaves. The constant shouts of my men yelling at a newly bought slave. The cracks of their whips snapping through the air and the hot bothering sun, purposely made so the new slaves didn't know the route. Escapees' were not tolerated. The adrenaline of anticipation had nearly caused me to snap just because I needed to see her face once again. Adjusting my shirt as I tossed on my suit jacket giving it a firm tug as I stepped off the carriage. The slaves being rounded about while I did my best not to give myself away. I didn't look at her just yet as the black bags were being pulled off their faces only to be greeted by the expressions that were never surprising; it was always the same. The look of relief.

"Welcome to your new home... to My Manor! As you can see, by that foundation--" My hand pointed over towards what appeared to be a duplex of a small cottage house about three yards apart. - "Those are the living quarters, which you will be staying and 'servicing'. For you see; I am famous for sex slaves or 'whores' as most people call them. You were each bought for one of three jobs upon this plantation." The big hand swung to the right where two large buildings stood, the vapors of smoke came tumbling from the chimney. "I also produce different types of pie." A smirk with a slight nod and bow in amazement of my own work. "You will refer to me as Master but without further ado; I once again welcome you to Ol' Green's Pie and Whore House Manor."

With a flicker of my hand disposing them of my attention having the slaves begin their assortment and be separated into groups. The rags they called clothes were being torn and disposed of it was then that things were speeding up finally, carriages' were no longer visible and wooden pails of water were being brought out with soap and clean clothes.

"Be sure to scrub really well with the soap, consider it a welcoming package. Let’s get down to business. You have all been selected into a group, a group that is designed for a purpose. A purpose in which you'll be assigned a station. Treat your station the way you would like to be treated.”

“First, we have our pickers. That's right, there is a field. It is quite simple and easy you just pick fruit day in, day out. You fill your own sacks or baskets and at the end of the day everyone's sack/basket will be weighted. You'll be given a chance to progress well. I have high expectancy of you all. Shall you start to fail...? Well you'll just have to answer to Mr. O'Malley." I turned pointing over to the silver fox with green emerald eyes, standing firmly with his gaze roaming and a whip at his side. One of my best men.

"Now, for those in the second group you'll be working as maids, servers, a foot stool or even a helping hand whether its inside or outside. The customers love a good 'Hunter' when the games begin.. But we will get to that when the time comes. Really easy, you report to Mr. Maxwell." A snickering smile as I pointed over to the toothy looking badger. He was masculine and tall, wearing just some slacks with a rope around his mid-chest. I signaled for the first two groups to be taken and shown their bunk areas. I had been waiting for this group, she was there.

With a turn of my hind leg I reached out to one of the awaiting trays that held a glass of water. I took in a large gulp as I tried to steady myself. I was obviously too excited. The ladies of the third group and some of the men were spread out, but she was forced in front of them all. She hadn't undressed, nor bathed, disappointing...

"Where you from girl?" I asked not turning around. There it was again... That feeling.

"From the lands around Master bought to serve." She responded. A typical answer to please.

"Try again, this time answer correctly." I hesitated turning around to face her fully. Her sensual lips were just as I remembered. Full and pink. Her face wasn't as full as life, scars and understanding upon it lurked.

"The forests of the South across the sea Master." Hesitation lingered.

"Far from home girl. You'll need to bathe and you'll be directed to your location." A raised eyebrow with a secret smile. I saw that she wanted to say something but I had turned on my heel and walked towards my manor; leaving my men to take care of the rest.

"You'll be mine soon."

£. Chapter Two. £

The cold sweat that slithered down my body was one of the most relentless feeling one could possibly ever feel. Wetness of the shirt sticking to my back like a second skin as I took a long pull of my glass of lemon tea. It was far late in the day the sun had been murderous and conniving. It took triple the water I normally would give out but I can't afford a slave to be out of work just because of a little water, here on my land they receive better care then other places.

The sudden breeze of cool air that sent an evil chill up my spine was startling forcing my thoughts to break and spin around the woman like an endless cycle. The very same woman that was currently changing the sheets to my bed, running her hands across every crease, instead of them running upon my chest. I clearly saw it bright as day how she would be bent over smoothing out those wrinkles I was so jealous over. "Christ.." I muttered out as my cock stirred to life. "I have to get my mind off her... really should-.. Not healthy." I knew it wouldn't be much longer before I saw her again this evening standing with a pitcher in hand next to a steamy hot bath ready for me. The thoughts that lurked constantly were haunting my nights endlessly. She hadn't been here for more then twenty four fucking hours and here I was already mind fucking her not that my body didn't cared, nor did my impure eagerness. Even though I owned the whore house and all the whores there was the simple possibility to just fuck her. God yes, having that sweet little pink slit of hers wrapped around my cock..- There goes my thoughts again and my dick was practically jumping out of my pants it was suffocating.

Just like clock work my thoughts were diminished at the off loud whistle and massive horse groans reaching my ears. "Well, well, well. Seems we have a customer..." As set in stone my trusty slave that could pass off as one of my favorites greeted the customer and another brought a fresh glass of cold iced tea. To my surprise it was a woman of petite frame but what was more astonishing was with who she had arrived with. A very muscular body from afar but as I made my way to the woman and man I saw that he wasn't of escort or her significant other. He was a slave, a slave that wore a gag around his mouth with a leash at her hand and the type of reins that could be sported on a horse. How fascinating then again he had seen it all. The slave had his arms bound back making him arched up in proper stance like a horse and a tail that seemed to come from his ass. He was a doberman trained to serve.

"Thank you, is Master Green in?" The voice was sharp and straightforward sounding incredibly familiar.

"Yes Ma'am, here he comes now." My slave pointed in my direction as I was steadily approaching, upon spotting me she turned at the heel of her foot and came with her slave. The slave pranced around flipping his mane to appease the woman.

"Madam Claire, it has been far too long; what do I owe the pleasure?" From the previous times she always brought female slaves to be 'bred' for enjoyment this was a new turning point and a reason why he hadn't recognized her at first.

"It has been and I have a new stead that needs to embrace his animal desires. He is a but an animal not ready to please his Mistress. Is there someone you have to satisfy my enjoyment regarding this? I offer to pay double the price it is after all an unusual selection of service given our past history." The crop in her hand swatted with firmness across the doberman's arched back.

Hesitation sat in the pit of my stomach but the moment passed just as quickly as it had appeared. "There is always place here for that Madame let me escort you, do you have any preference?" Leading the way as the 'Horse' followed in a trot behind us.

"Any cock loving whore will suffice." Small talk continued as we made our way to her usual room in which upon arriving I left it to her as I went to call about my whores. They quickly lined up presented and naked. Tits and ass. I looked around as I rubbed my chin and settled with a timid grey coated feline. The male was on his knees tied to a pole that was upon the farthest walls and the cracks of the crop slashing across his back when I delivered the whore to the room as I bid my goodbyes hearing the click of the door as it locked in place.


"Ten. Thank you Mistress." Said the slave before me as I smacked him hard across the back. The lovely prints of the crop were brutal leaving him panting hard as his bruises formed and welted. The click of the door closing after the slut had been delivered was distracting and only rewarded this piece of shit slave with more slaps across his flesh as the counting continued until I was satisfied with my work grabbing his hair forcing him to look at me.

"Do you know why you received this punishment, worthless animal?" I whispered coldly in a hiss.

"Yes Mistress. Your worthless animal does not know how to please his Mistress." He didn't meet her eyes instead stared down to the floor like a good little bitch.

"Lucky for you that you have such a forgiving Mistress and one that also knows that you animals need some form of release for your carnal desires." With that she released him from the bonds; watching him crawl next to me giving my shoes several licks in appraisal. Walking away from him going to the female feline giving her a look over taking in a wiff. "Oh yes. What a ready whore you are." Forcing her down on all fours with a hard shove making her scrape her knees and hands not letting her finish getting into position as I swatted the crop across her luscious ass rapidly in a hard motion. "You'll direct me as Mistress while you serve your use. You are not to look at me since today you'll be just another worthless animal for my amusement." The responses from the whore were obedient.

Sliding the crop against the whore's swollen pussy lips drenching it with her pussy juices. Her moans were full and pathetic cries filling up the room as I dragged her by the hair over to my slave who was where I had left him. "Do you know what worthless animals do when they meet?... No? They smell each others asses." Grabbing his head she forced his snout into her round ass cheeks having him sniff like a dog. "Now lick!" I demanded, watching him slide his rough enormous tongue across her dark star and the whore moaning out to each swipe.

The Doberman licked down the crack that led to her cunt seeking more to taste filling his mouth of her fluids almost tasting like lemons it was exquisite. His groans were muffled within her cunt having his muzzle been buried into her wet slit, rolling his tongue around the little hard button at the curve of her pussy almost not finding the little clit. The feline trembled as she moaned loud and clear arching and dragging her claws across the wooden floor bucking her hips back slowly against his tongue. She cried out even louder in ecstasy having him growl but keeping himself in check as he bit down on her clit almost piercing the little piece of flesh. Moving his tongue up slowly to tease her and making her squirm as he inched to her entrance before sliding it inside of her wet tight slit. His fuck stick was throbbing and growing with each passing moment, it pulsed with each lick and taste he scooped only causing precum to be dripping at its crown forming a puddle. Thrusting his tongue in and out of her as wide, deep and as fast as his tongue would allow him to do so. Lapping her nectar as he was suddenly interrupted a seldom mistake that he hadn't heard his Mistress stand up or walk to them.

"You want his cock don't you bitch." A slap across her face as the whore responded in a bewildered cry, "Yes Mistress. I want it! Want it badly!" The slap had left a pretty bright pink bruise, "Of course you do you don't know anything but your beastly desires." I glanced over to him, "Mount pathetic bitch."

The adrenaline rush of His Mistress's command had him spooked but he got on the female before him slamming into her wet slutty pussy. Humiliation and intoxicating lust turned into savage breeding lust in his mind, the feline squirmed, shook, begged and shouted for Mistress how good the slave's cock was and how good of a whore she was... A cock loving whore. It was then that he got a very good visual of her seductive hips, her size c breasts, even her exposing flat stomach. Her shoulder length black hair was pulled back, and her beautiful dark eyes looked foggy with lust. Her whole body was bowed in hard cramping cums as they piled on top of each other while her body tried to jump to the stars as her whole body exploded in an earth shattering cum.

Every muscle in her body clinched in orgasmic rapture and as I continued my assault on her clit with his fingers and pussy he felt all her tightly knotted muscles begin to quiver and tighten even more. Her cum continued and she wasn't coming down and then her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she passed out. He couldn't stop, He was in a feeding frenzy and she was on the receiving end and within seconds of passing out she came back and immediately blasted into another orgasm. He continued to pour all of his pent up need into her pussy forcing her to cum seizing her body that was racked with tremors and spasms. He could feel the way her pussy clamped up and sucking his cock to prevent it from escaping. He hammered hard against her body. Her cries were different to and they were desperate and needy moans, coupled with hard spasming grunts.

His vision was entrapped upon the feline below him, lost in each hammering thrust that hit up and bruised against her cervix. He was anything but gentle, he was after all a dog, made to breed. Inhaling slowly as he caught another scent. Surely it was a mistake but the strawberry gooeyness he recognized all to well. Belonging to his mistress he was humping the kitty so hard he lost his balance and placed each paw on the floor on either side of her. He fucked her like a true bitch in heat, having growled as he looked up at his mistress then.

The impure thoughts of wanting to claim His Mistress, to breed her, make her shout his name had him rutting and tearing the pussy of the feline that was constricting against his cock. Such desires causing pre-cum to drip and leaked out of her wet snatch with her juices; juices that ran down his shaft and her walls towards her inner thighs leaving it glistening. Listening to her cry like this was so erotic. He just keep prodding her her tight abused twat until he was unable to hold himself. He reached down to play with her puckered star knowing it was forbidden but that didn't stop him from rubbing it as his thoughts scattered between fucking the whore and imagining His Mistress; "I love the feel of a cock sliding in and out of my pussy! P..please let me cum Mistress!" He dared to look at His Mistress which received him a blow of the crop across his face causing him to lose all control including of his climax which blew in rapid jets into the velvet walls that rocked back against his cock.

"Useless.. Always useless, this is why you'll never get to pleasure me. I favored you today and this is how you repay me.." I was fuming as the doberman in fact let me down once again. Perhaps I had been too forgiving. The girl I had purchased for this worthless needy needy bitch to help with his release was only more irking as I gave my slave a kick to the side out of frustration, I grabbed my slave by the hair shoving him to her girl's pussy. "Eat it slave, I didn't bring you here to breed." An amused smile slid across my lips watching him as he slid his tongue into the slit eating like a good little bitch tasting and scooping the bitter goo. I took special notice of how he worked the tongue sliding it between the swollen pink lip to use his tongue in and out scooping segments of the cum. The purring of the girl grew louder and I finally allowed her to climax forcing my slave to bury his nose in her twat. Every lick coming to an end.

Standing up I snapped my fingers watching them crawl to me, "I'm sure you both accomplished your needs as pathetic little maggots now repay your Mistress for your activities." Sliding a hand across the side of my hair realizing I had gotten frazzled. The two crawled over to me licking my shoes as they humbly gave their thanks. The girl was forgotten as I held out the reins for my slave to return to his original post of being my stead. Once he was prepared with the wooden butt plug that was attached to a horse tail and his prancing began we stepped out of the room making our way for home. A smile of gratitude was met to Mr. Green as we left his plantation and the burning desire between her legs was not forgotten.


£. Chapter Three.£
The first two weeks had passed by like a ticking clock and excitement only occurred if there was a new form of client. Today had been a rather unusual day where the clouds told it all. There was no picking and the house had been filled with the footsteps, laughter, smells of cooking and spices. Not only was I entrapped in the boundaries of my own home but she was everywhere to be seen. Whether she came into my study with more brandy, cleaning or even a meal each time I saw her she seemed more and more at ease then the first time I had brought her here.

She had been busy adjusting the curtains, I couldn't keep my eyes off her and the rags for clothes she wore. A maids outfit and a very poor one at that. I had yet to touch the fruit she had brought this afternoon yet I found myself instantly standing behind her where I brought my hand out and cupped her hip feeling her freeze at the touch.

"Master Green?" asked in a hoarse whisper but already I was sliding my hand forward to her tight stomach pressing her into the glass and curtains of the window while pushing my bulge that had formed into her clothed ass grinding against her ass.

"Do y'have any idea what you do to a man like myself?" Placing my lips to her neck as I felt her pulse jump at the touch. Groaning I awaited for an answer that never came which only irritated me more forcing her to be fully pressed into the window earning her a punishment.

“UHN!” white hot pain smoldered over her plumb fat ass as one of my paws beat her ass.

Perhaps she wasn't learning so I grabbed her maid outfit and shoved it up pushing the panties she wore down tearing it in the process.

“NO NO NO! PLEASE STOP, PLEASE STOP!" Her sobs filling the room as my palm began to burn from each swat knowing it in fact hurt. Swat after swat, another after another, punishing her for not answering only clinging to those cries as I groped her sore cheeks hard enough after losing count of how many spanks she had gotten. It had been well over thirty but still grind-ed into her. Bringing my hand up to her ass swatting my hand over it twenty times more leaving it highly purple, greed, red and swollen. She moaned and yelped cringing as she trembled in place only to feel the same upon her other cheek; another twenty. Tears became a waterfall and dropped down her cheeks as I slid my hand across her throat forcing her to arch back after her spanking to be pressed on my question.

©Driana Le' Souris......

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🏈King Dexter🏈: i liked it alot, very detailed and was full of interesting situations
Stripes: driana you should add meh on sofurry XD
Stripes: i loooove it
TroubleMaker: Rest could be found on SoFurry.com for those individuals that are interested. I myself had them linked to me by Driana. Just thought I might share.

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