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Forums » Motorized Madness » racing timesdrag

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Forums » Motorized Madness » racing timesdrag

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Post ID: 2072
Posted: 07-24-2020 17:59 PM
IP: Logged
Posted: 07-24-2020 17:59 PM » Editted: 07-24-2020 18:03 PM

so i was curious for all you furs who race or did drag racing what were your times like i think my best was around 17 seconds when i had my dodge dakota and i havent raced my mustang yet 


edit: so im also curious did you get paired upp unfairly with another vehical if so what vehical were you in and what vehical was your opponent in 

in my case the most unfair i was in a 2005 dodge dakota with ram air intake and a dual exhaust the rest of it was stock and i was vs ing a ducati motorcycle witch of course the motorcycle won witch was compleatly expected 

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