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Unic0rn69's Fursona Avatar
Name:Unic0rn69 in Houston Offline

Member ID:4582
Last Active:07-27-2024 06:29 AM
Profile Views:19198
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Future Space for Blogs

Shannon: chomp chomp haha 5.6 days ago
Homes10049: hey 115.5 days ago
Little Tails: Hiya! Hope you're having a rockin' day :3 131.1 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: Puts paws on the rump... 142.1 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: Pads in, leaving a large paw print, and a bouquet of alfalfa for the horny horse... 157 days ago
Grey Softpaw: Hi, thanks for the welcome 161.1 days ago
Homes10049: i sent you mail 170.5 days ago
spunkymoo: Thank you for the awesome welcome comment! 173.4 days ago
Homes10049: Hi 183 days ago
snow or Max: feel like staying on top of things here so good evening hope your having a swell one 198.4 days ago
Homes10049: hello 205.5 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: Morning horny horsey.. 243.7 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: Yours, others... a nice ass is a nice ass..... 257.7 days ago
Heart: im a reclusive but i want to be here if someone is interested in talking .. ive been in the fandom for over 16 year .. im just a music producer and wanted to maybe see what happens .. i guess im just dipping my toes in here 259.4 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: Runs by at full Wolf speed, slapping a paw print on that unicorn rump as I go by... 259.9 days ago
Homes10049: hello 260.5 days ago
Heart: heyo 268.5 days ago
Jellybean: Ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I see it now- Thanks youse :3 297.7 days ago
Jellybean: Imma be honest with ya, I have no idea where it is 297.7 days ago
Homes10049: Hi 298.5 days ago
Jellybean: Sneaky bean moment- Am evil bean- Puts a paw print on your phone Now ye'll nevr see yonder phoney stuffies- 298.9 days ago
Jellybean: Hello there! I'm a new member- 304.7 days ago
snow or Max: ive yet to do this so places a paw print on the wall and books it 310.1 days ago
Noah: F-fankyoo, Mr. Unicorn. 348.4 days ago
Cyn: Every time I see your name I keep reading it as Unicron 376.9 days ago
Homes10049: hi 412.5 days ago
MetalHeadKendra: Thank you! It's good to be back :3 428.4 days ago
gryphon489: thanks for the welcome! 456.6 days ago
Cyn: Good Job! XD 466.9 days ago
Yeri: hello? 510.5 days ago
Cyn: hello to you too 563.6 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: Runs by, swatting at the wall, but feels furry, think I just left a paw print on your rump.... departs scene quickly 566.4 days ago
Sinclair the Bunny: Howdy! :) 687.5 days ago
Cyn: you need to come into the chat one of these days 741.6 days ago
Krissy: Leaves a paw print as I explore 741.6 days ago
BonBon: Thankies for cuddles 744.9 days ago
Cyn: -Pokes- 758.5 days ago
Cyn: I just might have to XP 765.9 days ago
Cyn: Yus. You have that horn sticking out of your head 767 days ago
Cyn: If you say so XD 771.7 days ago
Cyn: you always horny 773.6 days ago
Cyn: nips you 777 days ago
Cyn: How have you been? 780.6 days ago
Cyn: XP 783.5 days ago
Cyn: so you say 786.1 days ago
Cyn: So naughty 795.5 days ago
Cyn: Lick back 796.6 days ago
Cyn: I think you may be enjoying it more than you let on XP 800.7 days ago
Cyn: XD 803.8 days ago
Cyn: wiggle wiggle wiggle 806.6 days ago
Cyn: wiggles butt 807.6 days ago
Cyn: hugs tighter 809.9 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: runs past, howling a good Moooornniinngggg! as I go 810.1 days ago
Cyn: Bounce 818.6 days ago
Cyn: grope 820.5 days ago
Cyn: XP 834.5 days ago
Cyn: poke 838.6 days ago
Cyn: I am doin' 850.6 days ago
Somnia Dreamweaver: maybe she slapped both of ours x3 858.7 days ago
Cyn: I do not know. 860.5 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: pads bay, stopping to leave a thankyou note for the Unicorn 863.1 days ago
Cyn: poke 865.6 days ago
Somnia Dreamweaver: It's good lol I come and go randomly X3 869.4 days ago
Cyn: what operating system? Linux? 871.9 days ago
Cyn: Poking around the crooked Tail? 883.4 days ago
Cyn: Nibbles 884.6 days ago
Cyn: pokes your nose 890.5 days ago
Cyn: mibbles right back 892.5 days ago
Cyn: Have been very busy 894.7 days ago
Cyn: How have you been? 895.8 days ago
Cyn: -pokes back- 911.9 days ago
Siris: happy very belated new year sorry i didn't see the message till just now 923.5 days ago
Cyn: -bites- 923.6 days ago
Cyn: -snuggles back- 926.6 days ago
Cyn: -pokes- 927.4 days ago
Cyn: yes I am 935.5 days ago
Cyn: Happy new Years to you as well 935.5 days ago
Cyn: thought you would like that 938.5 days ago
Cyn: How about sitting on yer face? 939.6 days ago
Joker Wolf: -Returns the print, while wearing a monocle and inspector hat- Where were you, on the afternoon of the last full moon apex, three days & nights ago? 948.8 days ago
Cyn: I am good. You? 949 days ago
LZ: Leaves a technological paw print on your door. 955.5 days ago
Cyn: -pokes- 958.5 days ago
LZ: Hiya sits on a chair 963.5 days ago
Nyteshado: Hello there 966.6 days ago
LZ: I did have a good turkey day. Thank you. 971.5 days ago
Cyn: I did and I hope you did too 972.6 days ago
Cyn: I am doing well. You? 975.5 days ago
LZ: I'm doing good, hope you are as well! 978.8 days ago
LZ: Hi, how are u? 981.8 days ago
Cyn: poke 981.8 days ago
LZ: Hi, how are u? 985.5 days ago
Somnia Dreamweaver: yay i love snuggles, and happy to hear from you again 989.4 days ago
Cyn: Was starting to wonder where you disappeared too 989.9 days ago
🐺BBWhiteWolf🐾: Tucker or rex decisions decisions 1018.7 days ago
🐺BBWhiteWolf🐾: weekends are for knotting 1018.7 days ago
Somnia Dreamweaver: -snuggles back- hello and its alright, I understand that life can get busy x3 1021.5 days ago
Cyn: Magically delicious 1021.6 days ago
Cyn: I am always feeling Cyn-full 1047.4 days ago
Somnia Dreamweaver: nope x3 not that you can ever have to many snuggles 1047.6 days ago
Somnia Dreamweaver: -giggles- thank you, i try to be 1050.5 days ago
Homes10049: Did you get my dm? 1055.5 days ago
Cynergi: hi celer 1058 days ago
Somnia Dreamweaver: -gasps- i dont know how i missed your comment -waves- hello 1068.9 days ago
Cynergi: I am doing well. Hope you are too. 1075.8 days ago
Cynergi: XP 1095.5 days ago
Cynergi: Pervy 'corn XP 1095.9 days ago
Cynergi: You know you like it 1100.5 days ago
Cynergi: -Nips- 1103.6 days ago
Cynergi: XP 1108.5 days ago
Cynergi: Trying to stay cool and being very busy :-) 1116.6 days ago
Cynergi: How have you been? 1123.9 days ago
Cynergi: I am fine. Just been extremely busy :) 1168 days ago
Cynergi: Same here. Things have been very hectic as of late. 1177.8 days ago
Cynergi: it goes well. You? 1181.5 days ago
Cynergi: bites again 1189.5 days ago
Cynergi: -playfully bites- 1192.5 days ago
Cynergi: Had a bad week? 1194.9 days ago
Cynergi: -Molests- 1205.8 days ago
Cynergi: -Nips- 1207.8 days ago
Cynergi: I hope you did too 1208.9 days ago
Cynergi: As am I 1216.6 days ago
Cynergi: Doing good. How about yourself? 1217.5 days ago
Cynergi: Don't you stick your tongue out at me XD 1221.9 days ago
Cynergi: XD 1226.6 days ago
Cynergi: this may be getting inappropriate for the shouts XD 1229 days ago
Cynergi: -Wiggles ass in your face- 1229 days ago
Cynergi: -sits on yer face- XD 1229.7 days ago
Cynergi: -nips you on the neck more- 1233 days ago
Cynergi: -Nips you on the neck- 1235.6 days ago
Cynergi: -nuzzles back- 1239 days ago
Cynergi: Kisses 1244 days ago
Cynergi: Eep! XD 1247.5 days ago
Cynergi: hugs back 1250.7 days ago
Cynergi: Snuggled back 1254.8 days ago
Cynergi: XP 1258 days ago
Cynergi: you love it 1258.6 days ago
Cynergi: Maybe XP 1261.5 days ago
Cynergi: Pinches XD 1264.1 days ago
Cynergi: poke 1268.9 days ago
Cynergi: Nope XD 1282.9 days ago
Cynergi: Nope XP 1284.8 days ago
Cynergi: Show me! 1289.8 days ago
Cynergi: XP Bragging? 1291.5 days ago
Paq: Snug fit 1293 days ago
Paq: It si comfy sex 1295.9 days ago
Paq: Nope. Solid Oak XP 1303.8 days ago
Cynergi: I would prefer a bed XD 1308.1 days ago
Cynergi: and just where do you want to take it? 1314.5 days ago
Cynergi: Yes. I do wanna XP 1317.9 days ago
Cynergi: you just going to cuddle? grins 1319.5 days ago
Cynergi: snuggles back 1321.4 days ago
Cynergi: Thank you XD 1323.4 days ago
Cynergi: w'rrs softly. Well I am Cyn XP 1325.1 days ago
Cynergi: kisses 1325.9 days ago
Cynergi: Nips 1327.5 days ago
Cynergi: probably 1331.6 days ago
Cynergi: probably run away XP 1332.6 days ago
Cynergi: I hope you had a good Thanksgiving 1337.5 days ago
Cynergi: hugs and nuzzles back 1339.5 days ago
Cynergi: cuddles right back 2x as hard 1342.6 days ago
Cynergi: XP 1347.5 days ago
Cynergi: I cannot tell whether you are being cute....or being sick XP 1347.8 days ago
Cynergi: Trying to kiss my pucker? Perv XD 1349.5 days ago
Cynergi: XP 1350.4 days ago
Cynergi: Like you I have been kept busy as of late 1356.5 days ago
Cynergi: XP I know 1361.5 days ago
Cynergi: XP you love the teasing 1361.8 days ago
Cynergi: You will just have to wait and find out XP 1362.9 days ago
Cynergi: Good to hear 1365.5 days ago
Cynergi: Been doing good. Hope you are well 1370.5 days ago
Cynergi: I can see that XD 1376.6 days ago
Cynergi: That is good 1382.6 days ago
Cynergi: I am well. How are you? 1382.9 days ago
Cynergi: yeah. some 4chan person kept popping up and I know it was not the site he was associating themself with 1384.6 days ago
Cynergi: Same person posted on my profile too. I just deleted the comments. There has been several questionable people in recent days. I believe Twinky had to deal with a couple not too long ago. 1385.5 days ago
Celer: well now isn't that a lovely comment to make to an ADMIN got yer ass banned quickly 1385.6 days ago
卐BeastGirl420卐: nigger 1386.6 days ago
Cynergi: Pokes back 1387.1 days ago
Cynergi: (/) () () () shakes it 1389 days ago
Cynergi: Play? All you do is tease XP 1391.8 days ago
Cynergi: All work and no play make Celer a dull boy XP 1394.6 days ago
Cynergi: I am doing well. How are you? 1396 days ago
Cynergi: Hello Celer 1399.6 days ago
Cynergi: snuggles back 1411.9 days ago
Cynergi: I am doing weel. You? 1413.4 days ago
Cynergi: snuggles back 1425.7 days ago
Little Tails: It's rockin'! Hope you're having a fantastic weekend. 1434 days ago
Cynergi: Soon. Hopefully soon XP 1438.9 days ago
Cynergi: Hey! Where have you been hiding? 1440.9 days ago
Paq: You will just have to find out won't you? 1443.7 days ago
Paq: it is both 1451.6 days ago
Cynergi: I am gonna get you alone one of these and then you'll be in for it 1455 days ago
Cynergi: sticks tongue out You say such sweet things 1458.6 days ago
Cynergi: you better 1461.7 days ago
Cynergi: Am I? 1463.1 days ago
Cynergi: suddenly! Raccanda! bites XD 1468.9 days ago
Paq: All you do is tease Smirks 1470.6 days ago
Paq: oh I do not think you could handle playing with me 1472.7 days ago
Paq: sticks tongue out at you 1473.6 days ago
Paq: I am not hiding 1474.7 days ago
Cynergi: hiding? 1476 days ago
Eclipse: It's great to see another equine here! 1483.5 days ago
Eclipse: It's great to see another equine here! 1483.5 days ago
Paq: I know how to tease too 1492.6 days ago
Artik Fenris Silverfang : Yo 1494.5 days ago
Paq: pokes right back 1495.6 days ago
Paq: If you say so Smiles 1499.7 days ago
Paq: If 1501.7 days ago
Paq: XD you say that as is it is a bad thing 1501.7 days ago
Paq: sticks tongue out at you 1502.6 days ago
Paq: poke 1507.7 days ago
David Hopkins: I mean... you seem very nice, the most nicest administrator that I've met here. :) 1516.6 days ago
David Hopkins: Could I actually friend a administrator? 1516.6 days ago
Paq: cuddle back 1522.5 days ago
Paq: howdy 1525.9 days ago
Takola Vashen: I'd probably have to say it a purple variant of the rose :3 1531.9 days ago
Paq: hugs 1532.1 days ago
Paq: tail poke 1532.4 days ago
Paq: yeah. I caught that :) 1533.1 days ago
Little Tails: Muhahaha, you'll get all the unexpected sweets! 1535.5 days ago
Donovan: Hey! You live in Houston. My dad lives down around DallasFort Worth. Texas is nice this time of the year 1537 days ago
Little Tails: -creates more cookies and sneaks some on your head! Like a sneakyfox!- 1537.5 days ago
Takola Vashen: Heh yes, i likes my flowers. :3 1537.5 days ago
Paq: I am certain there was something dirty in that last comment 1537.6 days ago
Garmy: it is realy nice here by the sea,only an hours walk,then your there 1537.9 days ago
Issidore L Ducasse: ello, just being nosy 1538.2 days ago
Little Tails: -sneaks a cookie on your page!- 1538.5 days ago
Paq: I did not leave after all. Just change it up a bit 1538.5 days ago
Donovan: Hello Celer 1538.6 days ago
Cynergi: I am gonna poke you in a naughty place if you keep it up XD 1576.7 days ago
Cynergi: Serious pokes are fun 1583.9 days ago
Cynergi: Pokes at 1598.6 days ago
Celer: are you trying to get kinky with me ? :P 1608.7 days ago
RazeBluemoon: Lashes some claw marks on your wall 3 1630.7 days ago
Cynergi: Thank you XD 1804.9 days ago
Celer: kinky not me !!!! LOL 1911.7 days ago
Mike Furry: I am staring into your Fave? Oh how kinky... I think. Maybe? 1942.4 days ago
Celer: they are thinking can i perch on that horn 1967.4 days ago
crimsonsaphire: Sits watching wondering what the birds are thinking 2012.3 days ago
Cynergi: hi hi 2016.5 days ago
Birdy Blu: -decorates his wall in birbs- 2019 days ago
Celer: well now you know better 2019.5 days ago
fuzzpawsthewolf: stares in awe at the Unicorn Dad said they weren't real!! 2019.5 days ago

About Me:

Where to start I'm a straight male with humans and furs although I have more than a few gay friends. they know where my line is. So i will have to tell you here I'm ok with hugs until i know you, cuddles and scratches are ok too :P

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