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Drake Jaëger's Fursona Avatar
Name:Drake Jaëger in No clue Offline
Relationship:Single and Looking
Founding Member

Member ID:3023
Last Active:07-26-2024 19:33 PM
Profile Views:22380
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wolfstarthesixth : hi how you doing today would love to talk with you 84.5 days ago
LZ: Hi, how are u? 987.8 days ago
💙 Lucy 💙: Smacks a big ol Lucy smooch right on his wall 1050.7 days ago
Yellow: Heyo. Thanks for doing what you do. 1062.7 days ago
Fuzzyfoxfluffs: Woof 1073.6 days ago
Birdy Blu: Boop. 1289.8 days ago
Candy: prints the wall and runs x3 1437.3 days ago
TiaraSnowfox: Fiufe HeyAAye hi eilaYo hol waSup estasIs ahaha 1648.6 days ago
🐲Dave C. FluffDragon 🐲: Hello cute fursona 1935.7 days ago
Saphira: Hi 2371.5 days ago
Jessica: kisses 2402.7 days ago
мαу: Boii. I got you. 2498.2 days ago
🌺Birdy🌺: Fluff nugget at yer service! 2513.2 days ago
мαу: Mine. 2527.8 days ago
мαу: Happily Owned by You. Hearts. 2539.1 days ago
мαу: sits on your wall, leaving a big blue heart print from her ass 2541.3 days ago
Drake Jaëger: kik.meg3IADmvaTcGUH5z3cASqDBai9nUY kik group 2606.6 days ago
🐾Birdy🐾: -smothers his wall in peanut butter and licks the knife clean, tongue flickering her brows would furrow as the substance came up stuck to the to top of her muzzle. 2626.5 days ago
Silas Ghost: another Texas boy! yee haw! 2648.8 days ago
Mandy Lennox : my favorite dragon buddeh :3 2737.6 days ago
Fesothe: Did I break the claw? 2741.4 days ago
Luna (Keeper of the Moon): No, no it wasn't 2742.8 days ago
Luna (Keeper of the Moon): Was that really needed ? 2744.3 days ago
Paymon: Lurks around in his profile.- 2779.7 days ago
Luna (Keeper of the Moon): Weirdo 2780.7 days ago
Luna (Keeper of the Moon): Realleh.. 2782.9 days ago
Aurora : Hello dragon 2798.6 days ago
kittykat : sorry but i got rid of my kik 3143.2 days ago
Kiri: poke 3145.7 days ago
Saykoiaya : poke poke poke poke poke poke 3216.1 days ago
Maddox: Dick 3218.1 days ago
Saykoiaya : boop ur wall :3 3218.1 days ago
Drake: thanks 3438.6 days ago
Aria Auroralïs: Oooh! I like your 'sona! 3 3440.2 days ago

About Me:

Just a gun loving hippie.

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