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This user may be an Under-Age user, and has been marked by an Admin.
FurrygirlUwU's Fursona Avatar
Name:FurrygirlUwU in New york Offline
State:New York
Species:Domesticated dog feral
Relationship:Single and Looking
Member ID:22730
Last Active:12-17-2023 10:45 AM
Profile Views:1058
Distance: Miles
Skype:Hidden from Guests
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Future Space for Blogs

FurrygirlUwU: Hewo 237.5 days ago
Little Tails: Hai hai! 240.4 days ago
Sinclair the Bunny: Howdy! :) 240.5 days ago
Keirin: Welcome to furrtrax! 242.3 days ago
FurrygirlUwU: Thx! 243.3 days ago
Unic0rn69: Welcome to Furrtrax, hope you enjoy it here. ... :) 243.9 days ago

About Me:
Hello I have been moving on from some personal stuff I'm not fully better yet I can't promise I ever will be. but with that aside I am a kind smart cuddle bug I love books and nature some may find me to be a little weird I am a very social person and I would love to be friends with any of you! Now I will tell you all I do have some limits I am fine with cuddling and hugs and stuff like that but please I beg of you please do not do anything sexual to me don't harass me about that type of stuff before you even get to know me,

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