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The Rave Posted by: $tephanie at 02-21-2014 06:13 AM, Last Modified 02-24-2014 10:36 AM
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She was done with him; tired of his lies and sneaking around. She needed to get away and she knew just the antidote for this, raving. She got in her tight black and red splattered club dress, long black and red stockings that cut off just past her heels, and puffed her Juicy Couture perfume mixed with a small amount of her pheromone. Calling up a friend, and looking at herself in the long mirror, she took the keys to his jeep and headed out for a night of fun and trouble.

Getting to the place where the rave was, she parked the jeep and met up with her friend. Her friend was a co-worker of hers, another wolf like herself. They walked up to the door. She could feel the beat already making her tail sway to it. Once the door open and the music hit her body, she shuddered in excitement and danced.

She didn’t care who danced with her; male, female, wolf, cat, she just let her body talk. She felt many eyes on her, many different scents, and she howled causing others to do the same. She smiled, and laughed and sensually danced. Suddenly her nose caught something defining. A cologne. She put her nose in the air and tried fallowing it.

With the music beats coursing, he had a spot near the drinks area. Bar Island, the music loud and pounding hard, it over claimed his heart. He was sipping his drink as the girl surrounded those with money. He had been busy dancing and minding his own tune with hid drink in hand.
He wore his casual clothes, a set of pressed jeans and a black dress shirt that was unbuttoned some. He constantly changed dance partners; none held his attention long as pouty lips formed each time. So many scents, some refreshing, others claimed, some in heat, but he just lost himself to the beats that caressed his mind and body.

As she fallowed the scent, she came across many fun furs. All wanting to dance and be close. Dance she did with them, for it was one the reason she came here. But this scent; It had peaked her interest. She didn't know why, however she wanted to find out why. When she could keep her nose up she sniffed. A couple of time she caught wind of some in heat, she smiled and blushed.

The scent was taking her closer to the Bar Island. She broke free from the crowd and looked about. The scent was pinpointed to a mixed cat of white fur in a black dress shirt. Her body heated a little. His structure was beautiful, but before she could take more of him in she was swept away by a young coyote.
He was dancing with a doe, her tail brushing along his crotch as he twirled her away. It was time for a drink; he caught sign of a breath taking wolf who wore a black and red slip dress. Standing there one minute the next she was gone.

As he moved and danced around different bodies he was finally able to get to the bar where he raised his paw to the bartender with the Mohawk. His glass of scotch was soon handed to him where he turned and leaned his elbows on the edges watching around to see if he could catch the sight of the wolf.
Sure she was laughing and having fun, but she wanted to get back to the bar. She had drifted so far from it. She was on the other side of the joint! The coyote didn't want her to leave, however. She looked at him with a smile but her eyes were firm and dominate. The coyote took the hint with raised paws and a weak smile.

She knew a bunny or feline would come and gladly take her place. She glided through the dancing sea of furs right up to the edge of the crowd and scanned. She caught his scent and saw him. His presence was confident, smooth, and dominant. Unlike his cotton tailed companion who looked shy and stuck to him like glue. She was going to take him. In the crowd, she quickly fixed herself and walked in a graceful sexual sway. The first to look was the bunny who suddenly turned red.
He occasionally gave the bunny teasing glances but the shy response was mainly what he had gotten. He grew tired of attempting to communicate with her; instead he looked around thinking she would take the hint and leave. By the time he had grown bored just like it had been all night he had a new glass of scotch.

He wasn't paying much attention, but when the bunny had shifted against him he looked over at her, seeing that she was starring off somewhere else, he had turned his own attention to where. She was created with the confident steps, a well-toned body. His eyes were traveling up the figure, he had recognized the dress. 'So it wasn't my imagination.' He simply thought to himself.

It was then that realization hit like a brick wall. She was walking to him; the company had seemed to vanish as did the rest of the crowd from his sight.
Her smile was cute, suggestive, and playful. She had found where the scent belonged to. One look at the cotton tail, and she froze in her seat with her empty glass. Her gaze met his and her heart skipped a beat. Damn cute eyes. Her body was calm, however, her tail what she was feeling.

Standing in front of him, she bent down, head level with him, placed her paws high on his thighs. Her nose went into his neck and inhaled deeply. She pulled back smiled biting his lip and turn around and started to walk. As she did so, her tail gently slapped him across his face. She slipped back into the crowd and awaited the inevitable.
He was shocked and surprised when he felt her touch on his thighs making him shudder in excitement. A direct approach was something that was new instead of being jumped on like he was a sack of potatoes. Her touch sent little electric shocks through him like never before. He had his usual pick up smile, lazy and sexy but when he felt her nose to his neck he didn't know how to react. When he felt the bite on his lip, he growled low, he was being challenged and teased at the same time and his pants where already tightening worse than suffocation.

His eyes were fixed at her sensual hips swaying, the fiery pounding of his blood rushing through his veins were jackhammering to his ears. The slap of her tail left both a red mark and a small sting. He finished his drink setting the glass down on the bar, getting up and leaving he followed her. Her scent was strong, dominant and fierce where strong in her scent along with something sweet that he could place.

Upon being back at the dance floor he didn't take long to find her, he was right behind her and he took her paw and had her spin around before she was smooshed up into his broad chest. His eyes met her as he growled once more; it was his nature to challenge her as she did him. Tipping her back he sniffed her neck right and down near her breast but didn't go further. When he had her up right he had her hips and clenched where he was able to caress them.

"Got a name?"

When he took her paw she blushed and heart raced. She was spun around and pressed up against him, his toned and muscular build, and his boldness made her melt. Everything thing faded as she looked upon him and into his eyes. She felt her body heat up. Her blood started to rush. her tail whipping about wildly. His challenging growl hit her making her fur stand on end with excitement. Her eye flared with delight.

She was tipped back. She giggled. His nose was cold but felt amazing on her. He would get a full whiff of her pheromone mixed perfume. He smelt down her till the top of her chest. She growled low, her teeth barring in a smile. How dare he do that? She loved it, his boldness, scent, and she wanted him. It made her aroused, especially when he caressed her hips.

"Wild, Stephanie Wild," she called over the music into his ear, nipping his ear. She nipped his neck hard and pressed herself against him and swayed her body with his and wrapped her paws around his neck. The music seemed more exotic now and having him dance with her was phenomenal. She felt alive and vibrant.

"What about you?"
Her scent was intoxicating to him; his blood coursed and ran to his heart where it pounded faster than lightning. He held her by the hips; one of his paws was twirling upon her lower back his claws sending those thrills through her spine. His fingers slowly traveled towards her ass but stopped at her tail bone before going back up.

Her body fit to his, like a puzzle piece, they moved together in sync. He could feel her breathing against his abs. The way this female plummeted; there was a soft warning growl unto his voice. "Cupiditas, Jack Cupiditas." The lighting was sizzled between them, he grinded into her movements. Her teasing bite on his ear had caused more then she realized and how well she would feel it.

Catching glimpses down her dress, he had swallowed hard and his tongue touched his lips as if they were dry. "Very beautiful and dangerous." he whispered to her knowing he had her full attention as she had his.
The shocks being sent through her from his claws were driving her crazy. She let out a howl, which again others fallowed but this howl was for him. Why? The chemistry between them mixed becoming exciting dangerous. He was what she was looking for. She licked her lips at him teasing him.

His grinding made her growl. His voice was strong and baring. He was making her hungry...this dominant feline. She turned around on him pressing her ass into his Netherlands. He was hard, and...and huge. Her face was hot, as was her body and not from the dancing though it didn't help either.

She felt his eyes on her looking where they shouldn't. Good she thought. She hadn't felt like this in years. Hearing him say that she was dangerous made her sink her claws into his side. Looking back at him with an aggressive tease. And without warning she pulled his head down and bit his neck hard leaving a mark.
He came up behind her feeling her ass, circling around her waist with his arms drawing her back up against him. He had both moaned out and hissed his growl at her bite; he kissed his way down the side of her face. His hands burrowed on the thin material stretching to cover her curves and breasts. He nibbled on the back of her neck and let his hands slide down her flat stomach to the junction of her legs beneath the short dress.

Just the way she took her time teasing him, his neck still hurt from the love bite. He treasured taking his time letting her feel what his hands could do to her toned fit body. He drew her like a violin, and he was the artist at hand. The rave was intense; the pads of his fingers traced the familiar shape and then moved on around her hips to her firm buttocks. Her responses and actions brought her enticing frame brushing the front of his body, sending repeatedly small electrical charges through his body to his groin.

Between the music and their dance, their time he could feel her wolfess coming alive, close, clawing to the surface, wild and abandoned adding fuel to the fire between them.
The way he felt her up was luscious, sexy, and compassionate. He was teasing the hell out of her. Growling low, as she heard his moans and growls and to challenger her to do more. His hands shot electric sensations through her body. She wanted him to tare the clothes off her and ravish her. His musk mixed with the atmosphere of the rave. She wrapped her tail high round his thigh grazing his cock.

She was panting hard. His breath was intoxicating on her fur. She sneaked a paw behind her ass on his cock and pawed firmly. She whispered in his ear, “These jeans seem to be getting tighter and tighter." Licking up his neck and kissed him on his lips, she bit him on his lower lip and pushed off him defiantly. She danced for him seductively making him want her. Each time he tried to get close she would gracefully move away leading him to an exit.

Her heart was pounding, her eyes wild with excitement she had never felt like this with her old mate not in a million years. He came so close to her she bit hard on his chest and darted off again giving him chase. She looked back giving him a 'come and get me NOW' glare. She wanted to be feisty; worth the case. 'So come on' she thought 'you want me.'
He played her little game of cat and mouse, he could still feel the burning sensation on his cock from her touch and squeeze. He followed, when the bite had taken place he wanted to fist her hair and show her where her place was. Without having that chance he did chase after her, her scent drove him to catch her. His eyes examined her, the way her muscles ripped through as she ran. They had eventually made it outside and by the time he had reached her the adrenaline, the determination she had him by control… Sexual control.

Pinning her to a random car, he wrapped her leg around his waist kissing her on the lips dominating until they needed air. His kiss wasn't gentle or caressing, it was rough and unimaginable. Hunger lurking as he suckled her nipped at her tongue, tasting while he gave and took from her. He could feel their lips swell in the mist of passion or perhaps it was branding. His claws did cut up her dress not in one spot but in several. By the time he had them reaching the car to go somewhere else, her clothes where barely holding to her body, but they shield her feminine form.

He placed her in the passenger seat, his lips finally leaving her mouth but went directly for her throat. He had to have more than a tease. He took a bite of her neck and pulled her close grinding more firmly. One of his paws groped her ass while the other rubbed at the front of her panties. He could feel the hard nub of her clit as he rubbed he panted feeling her muscles tweak and spasm. Moving her panties aside, he pushed his fingers into her already wet cunt. He groaned out in pleasure at how tight she was. Fingering her fast and hard, still biting down on her neck, endlessly teasing her clit mercilessly.

"Cum for me... I'll treat you more in a bit."

He had her where he wanted her; he could feel her walls pulsing to the point of that peak.
His aggression killed her, making her want to fight him more. But how he kissed; she couldn't help but close her eyes. Their tongues danced and their saliva mixed. Delicious. She knew that she was torturing him. His claws cut that fine fabric and her perfectly toned body and black and grey fur shown through. He's going to eventually buy me a dress.

Slamming into the car, she had to be careful or everyone would see. Getting in the passenger side their mouth finally parted, she panted heavily. When he clamped down on her neck pleasure it felt like a fast overwhelming joy ride. With him groping her ass and the other rubbing her clit it was hard to fight off the oncoming orgasm. She was already wet and bucked at him. She was going to tare him up when she got the chance.

Her defenses held, until his fingers found their way easily in her pussy. Her first orgasm came fast and hard. She moaned in sweet bliss. He was relentless, merciless, and just wonderful. She growled weakly due to him still having her throat.

"You're...You're such a bad boy."

His boxers were sticking to him, his pre-cum was there lingering needing to be tasted. Slowing down his fingers and feeling that wave of her orgasm. Her scent was a drug, letting go of her throat he licked the spot slowly withdrawing his fingers. He licked at his fingers having a taste of her forbidden fruit. He murred as he looked at her.

"You came looking for it."

Biting her lip once more he let her go and closed the door once she was settled. He got into the other side of the car and started the car. He found it difficult to keep his concentration on the road. He had his paw on her thigh, his claws drawing circles on her fur slowly working his way back up her thigh.
She softly moaned and ground her teeth. She could smell his honey from his cock. As he let go of her throat she was able to regain herself. She looked at him with a heavy blush as he seemed to savor her taste.

"I suppose i did," She giggled getting comfortable in the passenger seat.

She craved his lips and she got her wish and then some with a bite of her lip. He was having a hard time with the road and she wasn't going to help the matter. She grabbed his paw with her enter locking them. She pinned it down in the middle of them. Next she sank her claws in to his thigh penetrating his jean fabric and tore her way up to his intersection.

She dug her way in his boxers, finding the hole for his cock. She took a firm hold of it and brought it to light. Her ears perk forward and mouth watered. Seeing this nine inch cock, and dreaming of what she could do with him, made her growl playfully. For now, however, she had a plan already set. And she lean down and kissed the head of his cock and breathed hot air on it.

"Keep your eyes on the road. Pack back is a Bitch...”

With that said she licked at the head picking up the pre-cum. Up and down his shaft she licked and kissed. Then she went a step further and took what she could with her mouth she gently but firmly bit down on the cock and hummed.



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The wolf: I like it novel
DarkXander: very good story
$tephanie: A special thanks as well to the coauthor Jack Cupiditas!! Book wouldnt be possible without his help!!
Aliana : Hey, Got up to read this story just cause someone was bragging about it. It was worth the read. I definitely would like to know when the next section is, send me a message through kik or just send me a message through here. Great job! You probably will be hearing that alot but eh.. one more wont hurt!
Jasmine: Great story! Waiting for the next section. Also Edit the spacing on some of the sections when splitting up the sections you forgot to do some.
ŢroubleMaker: This story was very well written! Looking forward to more Stephanie!Lots of detail and imagination, everything that is beyond the audiences mind that can truly be an addiction. Anyways looking forward to more.

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