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Ashes part 1 Posted by: Jessie Copper-Tongue at 01-16-2014 00:07 AM, Last Modified 01-16-2014 00:07 AM
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He stood at the beginning of the damp beaten path that gave an eery feeling with each step he took. The air was strangely warm but something still made the air so chilly. There was no sign to mark an entrance, but a hole in the fence that's not there to keep people out, but something in. The fence was old and eventually, someone was to break the rules.
It seems the hole has been there for years, the metal appears as if it had rusted out a long time ago. Even the vegetation around the hole was dead, as if some powerful force had sucked the life out of this one section of the world. The metal bent outwards, as if the powerful force had found it's way out of it's cage.
There was a scent that arose from the hole in the fence, he didn't know how to describe it, but it wasn't foul. Though it made him feel nauseous, it was familiar and it allured him. It made him him draw near. He reached for the hole. When he grasped the fence, his body shivered in alarming disgust. The rust that had formed was moist, not dry as he expected. He peered closer at the rust with confusion. Then slowly, he crawled through the hole, trying his best to avoid the rust.
The air on the other side of the fence was heavier and had a watery taste to it. The fog was thicker and had a blue tint. His heart was gaining speed. This environment made him feel as if he was drowning, but there was no pain. Cautiously, he stepped forward. The ground seemed to sink as he put more weight on his foot. The ground felt damp and strangely warm. He crouched down to see what he was stepping on. It was moss, but it looks as if there was no color to it.
Ignoring the colorless moss, he skimmed across the ground surrounding his toes. There was nothing else but the iry moss that seemed to be moving. He trekked through the swamp, moss patch by moss patch. His mind was racing as he had no clue if he was even traversing in a straight line. He wished that fog would at least clear up a bit so he could step with ease. He came up to a gap too far for him to step over, so he jumped.
When he landed, he suddenly felt a powerful force pull him down to his knees. The air was now clear and he found it easier to breathe. He glanced behind him to see a huge wall of fog. The moss on the clear side of the wall had color, as if the wall not only blocked vision, but life as well. Inside the clearing, he could see that there are actually trees and vegetation growing amongst the land that no longer seemed to be apart of the swamp. Then something caught his eye.......

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