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What is this Posted by: LilacDreams at 02-23-2014 08:22 AM, Last Modified 02-23-2014 08:22 AM
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Once upon a time Kaitlyn made a story the end.

This is why I don't write fanfics....

Alright seriously now...

So there was this green and blue panther named Captain Nepezi but her friends called her the cap'n for short. And she was really kick ass, took no shit from no one. Wow, so cool. And she lived in one of those big cities that has a bunch of little punks who like to steal from people just to be a little shit. So of course since this is the main setting and something exciting must happen, a guy runs by trips her and his buddy that was just off scene slips out her wallet and runs. Of course, they're teen punks just being little shits though living in a rough neighborhood and having the wrong types of idols. Ah, but The Cap'n won't just let this happen. She goes for the buddy first knowing that's what's most important at the moment. She needs her I.D and Debit cards and the money in that wallet. She quickly catches up to the guy and does that crazy two legs to the head anime leaping kick and takes her wallet back... nooott without getting a few more revenge kicks. Her next objective now is to teach the one who tripped her a damn good lesson...... But he's long gone by now so she's lost the chance and really doesn't want to waste her time on him. She kicks the buddy again saying that it was for his friend and goes on with her day with a bit of extra guard up. Of course being that the whole scene was public and startled everyone a bit, nothing much really happened then on. But there was a mysteeerriiioouuussss and of course handsome man on the scene watching her from the shadows, ooooohhhhh~~. He's obviously important to the plot.

Scene change, wow. Later that day! She's been feeling that ominous feeling, the kind of feeling that feels... ominous.. that someone has been watching her, oh no! Who could it be? She's kick ass so she does this really quick maneuver thing to keep the guy from getting the chance to slip away before she grabs his shirt collar and demands to know who they are and why were they following her. Were they a friend of the little punk dude?? She knocks off the typical mysterious hat that mysterious people mysteriously wear and reveals them! Oh my! What a handsome lizard person!! Gasp! He then explains that he thought that she was really cool and kick ass and pretty but he didn't have the nerve to blatantly just ask her out on the spot after kicking someone's ass so.... She thinks a moment.. She tells him that, he's weird! but... That she likes him and would give him a chance.. OMG LOVE. They set up a date, exchange numbers yadda yadda the details a lot of love stories forget to mention. Like how do they know each other's numbers if they never give them to each other?? what even?

AH ROSES SPARKLES PRETTY VERY NICELY SET TABLE WITH A PRETTY SATIN CLOTH. They have a nice fancy dinner and get to know each other better. Aww, they're a match made in heaven. And they've got matching personality dynamics! Cool! This ship will last! They look into each other's eyes and really feel the pang of cupids arrows hitting their butts. Naughty little devil baby angel thing....They go back to her place after such a lovely evening together and she invites him inside. Her pad is really cool, with like band posters on the walls and cool stuff like that. She's like a mature teen, very cool. She offers him a drink and they settle in and watch their favorite shows together. Aww how sweet! Ah but later on, the alcohol starts to do all the talking and well they begin to fumble and really want to get naughty, they're not thinking straight. They're seeing double and popping bubbles. They head up to her room and......havelotsofhotpantherandlizardsexwowwoahhowraunchyhowcrude. They relax besides each other, now nearing passing out. They mumble incoherent nonsense to one another before finally going out.

The next morning she wakes up with a /POUNDING/ headache. ooh, oww, oh man, what did I do last night?? She questions herself. She looks over beside her and sees the sleeping figure......oh. OH. Damn it! It was too soon! They just met! Now the relationship is going to be aaaaallll messed up. Damn. So far for that relationship.. She silently walks down stairs and gets to work on breakfast for the both of them and not long after, he wakes up and walks down the stairs. An awkward silent moment between them

They exchange apologies, nervously fumbling over one another feeling guilty and ashamed. All is well though, they laugh at their stuttering and difficulties with getting what they want to say out. They eat a lovely breakfast together and spend the whole day cuddling. What a great way to spend the weekend, with a new found love. So sweet. They cherish every moment they have with one another, deep down dreading that horrible monday. Just wanting to spend forever like this, in one another's arms. Breathing in each other's scents and feeling the warmth of their love. The rest of the day the spent together doing lovely couple things and having fun. Dreaded Monday came and took their fun away. Though they kept in touch through the week and made plans for the weekend again.


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