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Prolouge: Chaper 0 Posted by: Baclk at 02-21-2014 22:12 PM, Last Modified 02-21-2014 22:12 PM
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How to begin to explain my current situation is a pain. Lets face it with the facts im a trouble maker, always have been and allways will be. Most people would think to themselves, "Thats not something i would be proud of." But im not a trouble maker because its fun, okay well not entierly fun but you get my point. Im who i am because its wright. When people are delusinal enough to judge and assume someones personality because of the color of their skin, their race or the tail on their back and perscute them because of it, someone has to stand up right?
For many years before i was born this perscution has be going on. An attempt at eradicting a race, a people and a way of life. Fought equaly on both sides this 'war' has raged through the centuries without end.
The Berklean empire claims its responsibilty is to keep the peace the nations and to assure its people that not one un-clean 'creature' will have his way in their noble land. The order of Berklean knight's spans through all fourteen countries, Plaida, Gradia, Cloria and Berk being the holiest and cleanst of the lands. Berklean troups are spread through 8 of the remaining 10. The remaining two are occupied by the 'unclean' anthromorphs or in lay-mans terms the furry. The enemy of the Berklean family, the one stain against the great empire. The belmish god has cursed them, the human race, with. Every young boy and girl are taught that the creatures of the "forbidin" lands are evil.
Not everyone believs this to be so, some humans side with the anthro cause. They are labeled as traitors against their nation, never to be alowed to return to the empire. Some are even made example of, publicly hung, discrased the world to know about their shamefull act against the empire. The few who do escape are hunted night and day by the empires dark hand, the templar magicians.
The trouble i cause? Well lets just say im the one the empire has never caught. I ran away from home when i was only eight years old because of my familys hate. All i did was help a lost fox, injured, alone and scared. I helped her bandage her wounds from the Berklean troups arrows and gave her a meal to eat. My father and mother retured home early, seeing me with the 'unclean' creature, my mother fainted and my father went into a furious rage. He pushed me out of the way, drawing his blade to smite the poor girl off the face of the earth, to end her harmless life. I ran infront of his blade, the cold hard steel catching the side of my face knocking me to the ground. The blood, warm and salty to the taste shocked me, i had never been cut with a weapon this badly before. As i tryed again to throw myself infront of his blade i was too late. He had not heasitated in running his blade through her stomach... I will never forget the look of horror on her face, her eyes stared at me asking me "why me, what did i ever do" before she let out her last breath. I screamed at him and ran out the door. I dont know how long or far i had gone but i knew then that that desicion had changed my life forever. I knew i couldnt go back because of what they would do to me. It scared me.
But now i am who i am. I stand for my beliefs. My faiths. Over the years ive grown to know the furs as my friends, my family even. I will protect their land, their life with mine.
I am Ryan Crenshaw and this is my story.......

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Baclk: Chapter 1 to be uploaded in the next 48 hours!

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