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Yuri's Story Posted by: Yuri Jaxis Wolfen at 03-28-2019 17:43 PM, Last Modified 03-28-2019 17:43 PM
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The story behind the gray wolf named Yuri.

Now were to begin, Yuri is an only child of an alpha female wolf in a place called Iron Wood. As a pup Yuri was tormented by others for being different in many ways, but over the years he has become numb to the name calling and torment of the other wolf pups. As Yuri got older and changed dramatically, he realized that he was much bigger than the other wolves of Iron Wood, he was much taller and more muscular but lean and thin like his mother. Over his time in school he found out that he loved to play the violin, cook, draw, and loved to stargaze. In class he was the quiet one in the back of the room taking notes and never talked, he was always seen in the library reading on world history and wars over the curse of time. Outside of school Yuri could be found in the woods under a weeping willow tree with his violin and some drawing paper, even when his home with his mother he often thought of his father that he never even knew. The only thing Yuri really knew about his father is that he was a different kind of wolf, but never knew what his mother meant by it. When Yuri would ask his mother about his father or why he had left them before he was born, his mother would get really sad and even start to cry. Until one day when Yuri found out that he could change into wolf form with beautiful feathered wings and a strange power to conjure ice from nothing, for a few weeks he played and tested the boundaries of this new form and power afterwards he sat down and told his mother about it, she did not believe Yuri until he showed her what he could do, soon after his mother began to cry but not out of sorrow but out of joy like it reminded her of something. That same night Yuri learned that his father was a special kind of wolf, a wolf that was only told in stores and myths, just like Yuri his father had a love for the stars and of the moonlight, over the curse of the night his mother told him how they meet and soon afterwards when she found out she was pregnant with him, after that she went silent for a little then told him about how he could change back and forth and how he could conjure fire, this puzzled Yuri and still doses even today, but one thing that really puzzled him was the fact that his father had what people would call demon wings but with light blue vanes, Yuri has feathered wings like an eagle strong with increaadibal power behind them but soft to the touch. Yuri wanted to know more about his father but his mother wouldn't tell him anymore especially why he had left before Yuri was born.
Fast forward to Yuri as a teenager in high school. Yuri really didn't like high school but he loved to learn about new things especially when it came to science and history, over his years in high school Yuri found it rather easy to understand computers and how they worked, what made them tick, he often got in trouble form his teachers when he would over ride there coding and made them do what he wanted. By the time Yuri was a senior he had taken many collage classes in computer engineering and development. Soon after the time has come for graduation he found himself at the top of his classmates and even his teacher but Yuri was still a lone wolf by many. After he had graduated Yuri joined the military as a combat medic for a helicopter rescue combat team. Yuri quickly flew up in rank, by his 2nd year he had reached the rank of 1st Sgt. And was the youngest in his team.
One day Yuri and his combat team were sent out on a search and rescue training mission deep in the mountains far off to the north. Like always Yuri got his gear together and made his way out to the waiting helicopter with his team, as the only medic on the helicopter Yuri had a lot of stress on him at all times even if he knew that it was a training drill and not the real thing, never the less Yuri took his place on the waiting helicopter and soon was in the air. Yuri loved the fact of being in the air alto he has wings but he was afraid to show them to anyone for the fear of being called a freak and of his memories of being a pup back at Iron Wood. The earpiece in his helmet cracked with the chatter of his team and of his commanding officers below that were watching them perform the drill but like always Yuri would only think of what his father and mother would be thinking of there young pup as a medic in the military, this often made him rethink of his life choices but he was always interrupted by the sound of the pilot yelling at him and asking if he was alright, Yuri would shake his head and tell him that he was oaky. This was going to be another easy day for Yuri until the helicopter was shaken violently by turbulence, and by the time Yuri realized it, he was thrown from the helicopter and was falling fast to the ground. Closing his eyes and excepting his fate, time around him seemed to slow down around him, he could hear his heart racing in fear as he clenched his hand around his dog tags, when he opened his eyes before he hit the ground and for the first time, Yuri found himself crying as he saw a young hawk fly past him and going to its nest with its young.
“Why….why is today the end for me….I can't even tell my mother I love her…” Closing his eyes again and thinking of what he might see on the other side and with a sharp and very painful thud, Yuri only saw the darkness of the other side.
But he found himself being carried by someone, his vison was a blur and all he could see was his blood covered hand and the sound of a soft voice echoing around him saying “Please hang on sir, everything is going to be okay” Once again Yuri closed his eyes and blacked out. What seemed like an eternity Yuri woke to find himself in a soft warm bed in a very inviting and softly lite room. Instantly his training kicked in and he studied the room and instinctively reached for his sidearm, only to find that it's not there along with his clothes and gear, but his wounds were carefully tented to, his chest was wrapped in a medical bandage along with his right arm but with a blood stain on it. Uncurving himself from the warmth of the bed and with a sharp pain in his chest, Yuri got up and looked around the room for his gear, but all he found was some clothes neatly folded in a chair with his dog tags on them. “Are these here for me…and who undressed me and tended to my wounds?” Yuri pondered at that question that was in his mind, putting on the clothes that were a plane t-shirt a pair of brown cargo paints light blue boxers and a pair of black socks, after putting on the clothes that fit him oddly enough Yuri looked for a clock, when he found one it read that the time was 1700 or 5pm but that was all the clock had on it not even a date. After five minutes he got up and walked to the door and pressed his ear to it, listening for anything at all, but all that Yuri could hear was the sound of birds outside and the faint sound of water from a creek or a stream close by. Taking a deep breath Yuri quietly opened the door and looked out into a hallway that is bathed in the same soft glow of the setting sun. Looking out of the window and in the hallway all Yuri can see is that he is still in the forest but he has no clue as to were he is exactly, as curiosity hits him Yuri goes to the other doors in the hallway but they all seem to be locked with just a little bit of light coming from under the doors, walking out from the hallway and to what seems like a living room of some sort on one end and a kitchen on the other end with no walls in-between them. “An open floor plan, I haven’t seen this in a long time…but why all the way out here of all places?” At this fact Yuri looked around to find out who lived here and why or how they found him. Looking around in the Livingroom all that Yuri could find was some cooking books and some old books that he recognized back in high school, as he continued to look for clues the light outside deems down and then fades away into night, quickly he finds a lantern and lights it, lighting up the room in a soft shifting glow of the flame inside it's core. Still driven by curiosity and wanting to know the person that had found him, Yuri quickly finds a newspaper with a shocking front page article. {Seasoned combat medic lost in a training exercise hasn't been found} Struck with this new information and with many thoughts in his mind he keeps reading the paper. {1st Sgt, Yuri J. Wolfen and his team of six were stricken by severer turbulence on a search and rescue exercise on 10/17/2033. He was the only crew member thrown out of the helicopter and fell into the trees below, he is believed to be KIA (Killed in action) But the search for his body continues onto the fifth day.} “I've been out for five days in a strangers home?!…..but why didn't they just…” Lost in that thought Yuri could hear the sound of a bike off in the distance and it's getting closer by the second. Thinking to himself that he will finally meet the person responsible for finding and taking care of him, taking the lantern and setting it down on what he thinks is a coffee table and sitting down on a soft leather chair waiting for the mysterious person to arrive. A few moments later the bike pulls up beside the house that Yuri found himself in, thinking all the same. “Well…its time to meet the person that saved me I guess” The door opens and in walks a pink and white male fox carrying some bags in his hands and not noticing Yuri in the chair. Quickly but quietly Yuri gets up and walks over to the fox. “Um sir do you need any help with that?” Startled the fox jumps and drops a bag to the ground as his tail fluffs from being scared by the sound of Yuri’s voice. The fox turns around fast and looks up at Yuri in surprise. “Your awake?! I thought that you would never wake up form your injures” The fox had a soft and calming voice and eyes were a soft pink that shimmered in the light of the lantern. Lost for words Yuri stood there trying to think how this small and dialect looking fox had brought him here. “Your…you’re the one that found me r-right?” Yuri asked confused. “Y-yes, you were hurt really badly and unresponsive…so I carried you all the way to my home.” Yuri didn’t know what to say to the fox, but he picked up the bag that the fox had dropped and handed it back the him. “T-thank you sir…but…” The fox looks at Yuri and tilts his head a little. “But what?” Yuri carefully thought of what to say to him for what seemed like five minutes. “But why did you bring me to your home…you don’t even know me sir.” The fox smiles and shakes his head, walking to the kitchen counter that was full of spices and two mugs. “I know that you’re a soldier when I had found you beside the river.” Yuri looking at the fox and studying him from his fur to the way he walked. “Yes sir, I’m a soldier, a combat medic.” The fox looks at Yuri and smiles at him in a friendly way, with his eyes gazing deep into Yuri’s. Yuri thought to himself why is this fox looking at him like the fox knows something. The fox looks down and blushes a little. “You know your not bad looking….for a wolf, and your quit tall too” With that being said Yuri could only blush at the fact that the he knew that the fox was the one that had undressed him. Trying to talk from his embarrassment Yuri could only think of the fox undressing him and seeing him naked. “Y-you undressed me sir?” The fox could only smile as he began to cut something on the counter top. “Yes I did undress you, how else did you expect me to tend to your injures, besides, you are kind of cute” Yuri could only blush harder at the foxes response. “C-cute, me…I'm a soldier and a wolf…h-how can I be cute?” The fox giggles at Yuri’s response as he gets a cooking pot out form under the counter. “What's the matter soldier boy, don’t like the thought of another man seeing you in the buff? I thought you all showered together or at least in the same room.” Looking away Yuri tried to hide the fact that he has never showered with or around other men in his unit. “I…I never did shower with anyone in the same room…I waited till they all were done and when I was all alone…”The fox giggles again and before he could say anything. “Were did you put my gear and personal belongings at sir?” The fox smiles and points to a door behind him. “There in the wash, your uniform that is, as for your gear and other things they in my room across from your room….Mr. Wolfen.” Shocked for hearing his last name Yuri’s heart begins to race and beat hard in his chest. “Don’t worry Mr. Wolfen, I'm not a murder or anything like that no, no, I'm a simple young fox just minding my own business and helping a nice looking wolf in need.” Looking down at his hands that are shaking a little, Yuri thinks, why is he saying that he’s nice looking and cute, then the fox asked. “So do you like veggie soup Mr. Wolfen?” At the same time Yuri’s stomach growled and it felt like it was trying the eat it's self. “Y-yes sir, I do like veggie soup.” The fox smiles brightly at Yuri. “Please, call me Nova, sir is not for me, that’s more for a police officer or a bank teller.” Nova smiles again and he puts some veggies into the pot and putting it onto the stove to cook. “Nova?...that’s a nice name.” Yuri stops and thinks about the name Nova for a male fox. After some time in silence Nova walked over and sat down beside Yuri with two bowls of soup, kindly Yuri took the bowl and ate the soup. The room was filled with an awkward silence between Yuri and Nova alto the two were sitting beside each other. Yuri couldn’t bring himself to look up at Nova for the thought of Nova undressing him filled his mind with uneasy thoughts. After an awkward but pleasant meal Yuri kindly offered to wash the dishes in return for the meal, Nova nodded his head at the kind offer and Yuri gently took his empty bowl and headed to the sink to begin washing them. Yuri unaware that Nova is looking over his lean but sleek body as he washed the dishes, Nova watched as Yuri’s tail flicked from side to side softly and how his ears would move at the slightest sound. Nova marveled at the blue markings on Yuri from the tips of his ears to the streaks of blue in his hair and tail, but mostly to Yuri’s bright but soft blue eyes and more. After about five minutes Yuri dried off his hands and sat the towel down on the counter top, soon after the clock on the wall chimed softly and Yuri looked over at it to see that it was 2000 hours or 8pm, quickly he felt the eyes of Nova gazing on him and this made Yuri uneasy as if Nova was looking at him with something in interest. “Si….Nova you mentioned earlier that um…my room was across from yours, correct?” Nova smiled and nodded in agreement to the question. “Yes Mr. Wolfen, your room is indeed across from mine, why is something wrong with the room?” Yuri carefully thought of what he was going to say to Nova, trying not the upset him or make him mad. “No, no, there's nothing wrong with the room Nova…it's just…well I’m use to being in a dorm like room with a roommate you know and being in a unfamiliar please, kind of makes me on edge….and Nova, my name’s Yuri…Yuri Jaxis Wolfen, but Yuri to most.” Looking back at the clock Yuri gets up and started to walk to his room so to say. “Going off to bed Yuri?” Looking back at Nova with an uneasy expression and lost in the deepest part of his mind. “Yes, I need time alone to think about somethings…and thank you for the soup Nova.” Placing his hand on the back of his head and walking into his room quietly and sitting down on the bed with just the faint glow of the moonlight to light up the room. Yuri thought long and hard about the events that just happened and soon after he was laying on the bed looking up at the ceiling with the thoughts of his past. Closing his eyes he quickly fell asleep and was lost in his thoughts and memories that haunt him.
When Yuri was falling from the helicopter that day, he could see his mother standing in front of him bathed in a soft light of the fireplace back home in Iron Wood. She was a beautiful white she wolf with black bands around her arms with emerald green eyes, she always wore blue jeans with a long shirt and sometimes with a warn and ripped thick black jacket with only a design of wings on the back of it, but as Yuri looked at his mother she held out something in her hands and just as he reached for the item everything went black, blacker than the night sky. When his eyes had adjusted he fond himself in a nightmare the will forever be a part of him. Yuri could never forget the sight the feeling and the sounds of that dark night with his mother in a raging thunderstorm. He could feel his blood rushing to his head as he hung upside down in the backseat of his mothers car. The thick smell of gasoline leaking into the car and the feeling of fresh blood running down his arm, head and leg as he looked around to see his mother hanging in her seat by the seatbelt tightly around her chest. The sight of blood running from a large cut on her face and arms as the blood pulled below her. He could see another car from what’s left of his window burst into flames as the people inside the car scream from fear. “Mother!…mother!...please wake up!…mother?”
Yuri was filled with fear that no one could imagine, struggling to get free he tried his best to free himself from the wreckage of what was his mothers car. Finally he grabbed a large piece of glass with his bloody hand, feeling the glass cutting deep into him and he cuts the seatbelt that had him trapped by his chest. When he cut himself free form the cars seatbelt he fell and hit the top of the car hard as he gasped in pain as shattered glass made its way into his flesh. Hurt and bloody Yuri managed to crawl out of his window, shaken with fear and the shock of what was happening made him sick to his stomach, but he was worried about his mother that was still trapped inside the car. With what all strength he had left he limped to his mothers door, only to see that it was completely caved in and would not open for him. Fearful and scared for his mother he tried to cut her down from her restraints. By the time Yuri thought that he had cut the seatbelt off of her, he felt the heat form were he was once hanging from, as fire filled his eyes as he screamed to his mother, telling her to wake up. When he could feel the fire on his fur and skin Yuri woke up in a cold sweat that soaked the bedding below him. With his heart racing and pounding hard in his chest and sweat running down his face, he grabs his right arm tightly gasping for air form the nightmare. Getting up for the bed in pain both mentally and physically Yuri made his way out of the house and outside into the crisp cool nighttime air. Sitting down on the porch steps with his head in his hands, Yuri could only think of one thing and one thing only. “Why…why couldn’t I save her…”
With tears in his eyes Yuri looked up at the stars and moon, crying softly into the night. “Mother….I’m…I’m so sorry…I really tried…I did…but not hard enough…” Heartbroken from the nightmarish memory he looked down at his hand, at the scars from the glass and the unique scaring from the fire. Clenching his hand into a tight fist and walking off into the darkness of the night and into the forest. Without him knowing that with his emotions his powers would react in strange ways, as he walked the air around him became colder than ice and frost formed on the ground and trees around him as he walked. Deep down inside of him, he was crying so deeply to himself but never showed it to anyone around him. By the time the sun started to rise above the tree tops he perched himself in the tallest tree he could find, soon after he did so he fell asleep unaware that his powers had made the air around him so cold that it started to snow lightly. After some time Yuri woak to the sound of Nova calling out his name in a worried and concerned tone. “Why is he even looking for me…I'm no one important to him…” Hearing his name being called from the west side of him and the way Nova calles his name told Yuri that Nova is extremely worried about him. “He did take care of me after I've fallen from the helo…so I do owe him some gratitude for what he has done for me.” With a deep calming breath Yuri jumped out of the tree and onto the ground below him with a soft thud as his strong legs absorbed the sock of the ground. With his highly sensitive ears moving around he carefully listened for Nova’s voice. Just a few moments later he heard what he was listing for. “Okay there you are, he’s not far but I could be wrong.” Setting out to the sound of Nova’s voice, Yuri made his way through the thick and dance forest carefully scanning his surroundings for Nova or any signs of him at all. Stopping for a brief moment to catch his breathe and resting against a till white one tree he heard the sound of a twig snapping close by, quietly and stealthy Yuri made his way to the sound and crouching beside a thick blackberry bush full of ripe berry's, peeking over the bush he saw Nova knelling down beside a small but crystal clear creak taking a drink from the clear water with his hand. Yuri soon realized that Nova was wearing his combat jacket to what he thinks to stay warm from the cold October weather. Yuri chuckled at the fact that his jacket was two times bigger than Nova, getting up for the bush he had be hiding behind Yuri walked closer to Nova. “Ahem…are you looking for me Nova?” Yuri said in a calm voice and Nova quickly turned around to face him with a worried look on his face. “YURI!!” Nova’s voice was full of joy, and a little of fear mixed with it witch puzzled Yuri to no end. When Nova got up and ran closer to Yuri he stopped and his eyes widened as he just stood there looking at Yuri. “Um…Nova you okay…is something wrong?” Yuri was very confused and conserned as to why Nova had the look of shock and fear in his eyes. Suddenly Nova took a step towards Yuri with his hand on his chest just looking at Yuri, Yuri still confused took a steep at Nova and his eyes got wider at him. “Nova, you’re freaking me out, what’s wrong Sir!?” Shaking and fearful Nova pointed at Yuri. “W-what’s that on…y-your back Yuri??” Instantly Yuri knew what Nova was talking about, and a cold chill ran down his spine and his heart pounded hard in his chest as he looked over his shoulder to find that on his back were his massive and impressive wings. Softly under Yuri’s breathe “Fuck…I knew this would happen one day…I can tell by his eyes that he’s afraid of me…like the others back home…”
Yuri lowered his head down in shame and both hand were now tight fists that cut into him, soon the air around the turned so cold that snow started to fall along with ice forming at Yuri’s feet as he could only think of the torment back in his childhood. “Y…you’re not a normal wolf…are you Yuri?”
Nova slowly approach Yuri but Yuri didn't respond back for he was once again lost in his memories. Yuri had his eyes closed tightly as thoughts ran wild in his mind. Then Yuri felt a soft touch on his arm, one that reminded him of his mothers touch when he had a bad day or a nightmare. The soft touch calmed Yuri and brought tears to his eyes at the wonderful memory.
Slowly the cold air and snow seemed to vanish just as fast as it appeared.
Yuri opening his eyes saw that Nova was holding onto his left arm looking at his tensed macules as his hand was clinched very tightly, seeing this Yuri’s thoughts seemed to disappear when Nova looked up at him in wonder.
Softly Yuri spoke to Nova. “No…I'm not a normal wolf…never was…just like my father…” Pulling his arm away from Nova, Yuri walked to a tree and punched it with extreme force, blooding his hand instantly. Yuri watched the blood slowly travel it's way down his hand without even sheading a tear.
“I understand if your afraid of me…or if you think that I'm a freak of nature.” Yuri’s words were cold and dark in his voice as he stared at his hand. “Now if you please…I would like me gear back and I’ll be on my way…”
Yet again the air turned cold around him, but Nova could only marvel at Yuri and think why would he be afraid of him like if he's a rabbited animal.
Nova slowly walked up to him and touched his wings softly, feeling there soft feathers and they're massively strong macules. Yuri spon around and looked at Nova with a menacing glar. Nova only could only hug Yuri, that surprised him. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!” Yuri could only yell out of shock and confusion form Nova’s actions. Nova looked up at Yuri showing no fear…but something else. “What are you so afraid of…the fact that you're different, that you’re not like other wolves?” Nova backed away from Yuri still looking into his eyes. “I don’t care what you think of, or the fact that you don’t like being different…but that’s what makes you, you, your not a monster or a freak you’re what you make yourself to be!”
Surprised by what Nova had just said made him think long and hard, he thought about how others reacted when they saw his wings for the first time and how they would run away from him but Nova didn’t run at all, in fact he was amazed by his wings. “Nova…Sir…I’m sorry…the way I acted…it's not kind of me to treat you the way I did…to the one that helped me…” Sitting down on a large rock he could only look at the palm of his hand, at the deep scars and think about how he's being an ass to Nova. “Look…you give me my gear and I’ll leave you and get out of your hair like I was never even here…okay Nova, I've caused enough headache for you as is…so please let me be on my way.” There was a brief moment of silence between them, then Nova spok in a firm tone. “No…your not going like that, not with you’re injury’s, I can't let you do that and hurt yourself even more, just look at yourself, your arm is bleeding you have a large gash on your chest the size of Texas and you clearly alone with no one but yourself!” Yuri didn't know what to say to him, but he knew that what Nova said was true never the less, all Yuri did was get up off the rock and sit down beside Nova that was looking down at his feet with his tail in his lap. “Okay…I’ll stay with you till I get back on my feet so to say, but let me get one thing clear with you Nova, don’t ever talk about this or of me…okay…but.” Yuri stopped and thought for a moment.
“But what?” Nova looked over at Yuri with a sad look on his face. “But if you want to know something about me…ask and I’ll try and tell you what I can…now let's get back to your home, I'm sure your cold right now.”
Nova nodded his head and got up holding his tail close to his chest. The walk back to Nova’s home was long, quiet and awkward for the two of them, Yuri walked behind Nova with his head held low and ears flat. When they reached Nova’s home Yuri looked up at the ski. “You coming in Yuri, we have to clean your injury’s, and I'm pretty sure you would like to have a hot shower to clean up.” Walking inside with Nova and sitting on a wooden chair Yuri sat there wile Nova got some clean bandages and rubbing alcohol. Sitting next to Yuri, Nova carefully took off the torn and blood soaked bandage off his arm and gasped at the look of the large and deep cut on him. Looking down at his arm Yuri shook his head and sighed with disappointment. “Looks like I need stitches for that.” Nova looked at Yuri with a shiver. “S-stiches…I…I don’t have anything for that, not even thread or needles for the stiches!” Yuri could only roll his eyes and laugh. “Look at my jacket that your wearing Nova, look at the left sleeve at the emblem.”
Nova curiously looked at the sleeve of the jacket and saw that the emblem had the EMT symbol with a shield and sword behind it with a slogan on it along with the number thirteen on it.
“So you’re a paramedic of some kind?” Yuri laughed again but with a smile running across his face. “Yes Nova, I’m a combat medic for the military of sector 98B, and in my side pouch of my gear belt is a medket with tools the I use on others to help them.” Nova nodded his head and ran to his room for a moment or two, after a little Nova walked out with all of Yuri’s combat gear in his hands, bumping into thigs as he walk with the heavy gear. “How in the hell can you carry all of this, it's so heavy and I’m only going from my room to here in the kitchen.” Laughing at Nova for knocking over things as he makes his way over, it reminded Yuri of the first time in boot camp and putting on the heavy gear for the first time.
He could still here his drill sergeant yelling at all of the cadets. He was a large but thin Dobermann with a very noticeable scar across his face and part of his left eye, he was always mean looking and had a calm and loving side to him, he would always be seen helping out the local elementary school and playing with the children there on his free time. He was tall but Yuri was the tallest person in his unit, Yuri was taller than the drill sergeant, he only stood at 5’6 and Yuri only being 18 was at the height of 5’11. When the day came for boot camp graduation Yuri was already at the top of his unit as the unit commander of 24 of his fellow recruits. Unlike the rest of the recruits Yuri had to hide his powers and his wings from the others, along with keeping to himself as much as possible earning him the title The Lone Wolf of squad thirteen. Squad thirteen was the only medical unit in the entire area of sector 98B. Sector 98B was the largest and dense forest that covered a total of at lest 500 miles with a mountain range running through the middle of it all.
“Um…Yuri what pocket was your medket in again?” Shaking his head, Yuri looked at the jumbled mess that was his gear in Nova’s arms. “Set my gear down on the floor and pour the rubbing alcohol on the cut Nova, then with the clean bandages apply presser to slow the bleeding, okay?” Nova shocked and scared that he would hurt Yuri or making things worse. “W…won't that hurt you?” Yuri saw the look on his face, the look of fear.
“Don’t worry Nova, I’ve been through worse things before.” Nova’s expression lightened up and Nova nodded his head. Nova poured the rubbing alcohol on the large deep cut on Yuri’s arm and Yuri’s hand formed into a tight fist as he feels the burning sensation of the alcohol enter the cut, it was like getting stung by a thousand bees at once. When that was done Nova then took the bandages and held them to his wound tightly. Yuri was looking for his large medket that would be on the backside of his gear belt that had the red cross on it. “Ah there it is, looks like it’s still intact too.” Unzipping the large bag open and looking over at all the medical equipment inside it, Nova could see all the needles, syringes, bandages, bottles, and the scalpel that shined in the light. “What is all of that Yuri?” Nova asked in a soft voice. “Oh this is just some of the medical equipment I carry with me, the rest is left on the helicopter because it would slow me down.” Yuri looked around the bag for his c-hook needle and the durable thread, moving around pouches of bandages, syringes and a bag of medical plasma.
Finding his c-hook and the thread Yuri threaded the needle and looked at his arm. “Nova what I’m about to do may make you sick of pass out…so if you want to look away do it now, okay?” Nova looking at the needle and thread he could only swallow hard as what Yuri was about to do. “Are you…are you going the stich up your arm with that!?” Yuri nodded and he removed the now blood soaked bandage from his arm. With a deep breath Yuri stock the needle into his arm and began to stich up his arm. Nova’s eyes became very large at the sight of the needle going into Yuri’s flesh with the thread right behind it, Nova watched Yuri wince a little each time the needle went into his open wound. Finley after what seemed like half an hour Yuri cut the remaining thread from the needle and poured more rubbing alcohol on the now stitched cut to clean it more. Looking over at Nova and seeing that his in disbelief on what he’d just seen. “I take it that you’ve never seen that before, right?” Nova looked up at Yuri and shook his head. “Did that hurt at all Yuri?!” Yuri could only smile a little and roll his eyes, reaching down to Nova and helping him up off the floor. “It did but only a little, when your put through the training I’ve been through you can ignore the pain or even turn it off, so to say.” Nova looked confused the Yuri say that he can turn off the pain. Closing his medical bag and throwing away the used needle and bandages into the trashcan, he then looked over his gear that was on the floor as if he was taking inventory, carefully going over each pouch on his combat belt, harness, and on his body armor. “Hm…that’s strange, I could have sworn that I fell with my rifle, or is it still on the helicopter?” Nova looked at Yuri in confusion and asked Yuri. “Rifle…aren't you a medic so why do you need a gun?” Laughing at Nova’s question he explained to Nova that as a combat medic his job is to save other members of the military, but just like a regular soldier he’s given a rifle and a sidearm and like most combat medics he’s on the front lines so he also has to shoot the people that’s shooting at him and his teammates. Yuri and Nova sat there in the living room for half an hour talking about Yuri’s life in the military, when the clock on the wall chimed they both looked at it and seen that it was 8pm. “So um…were is your shower Nova, I could use it.” Giggling a little Nova pointed at the door beside his room in the hallway. Yuri thanked him and went to the bathroom. Inside the bathroom Yuri found it quiet big it hade a his and hers sink with a large mirror along with fur grooming brushes and a toothbrush, beside that was the toilet with a trashcan and beside that was a large bathtub. The tub was big enough for two people to sit in with room to spar. “Wow this is much better that the bathroom back in the dorm for officers back a base.”
Turning on the hot water and stripping off his clothes, Yuri found it so strange that his getting a shower in another persons home that he doesn't even know but that soon left his mind when he got into the nice hot shower letting all the stress and worries just melt away with the water. When Yuri was done with his bath and was dressed, he went to his bedroom and layed down in the bed gazing up at the ceiling and slowly drifts off to sleep.
A few days has passed sense Yuri fell out of the helicopter and has been staying with Nova the kind fox that found and took care of him. The day has come that Yuri has to leave Nova and return back to the military base far off to the west side of sector 98B.
“Nova?” asked Yuri with a sad but happy smile. “Yes Yuri, what is it?” Nova also had a sad expiration because Yuri had to leave him. “It was nice of you to take care of me for all of this time, I don’t know how to repay you for it.”
Over the time Yuri stayed with Nova, the two had became rather close to one another, at times Yuri would check on Nova in the night and smile when he seen him sleeping soundly. Yuri would even cook for Nova to show his thanks for what he has done, but to Yuri that wasn't enough for Nova.
“Don’t worry about it Yuri, you have people waiting for you back there, friends and others might be worried about you.”
Yuri stood there in full gear wonder how he could repay Nova for everything he has done for him over the span time wile he healed. “You know what Nova? Why not you come and stay with me back at the military base, I know it’s kind of lonely all the way out here, so what do you say?”
Nova’s eyes light up brighter than a christmas tree when Yuri invited him to go with him. But he thought about his house here in the woods and the fact about being on a military base. “What about my home here Yuri, and were do I go when you have to leave?”
Yuri could only smile because before he went on the exercise he was packing up to move off base to live in his own apartment just a few minuets outside of it. His apartment was a two bedroom one bath with a full kitchen and living room. “Nova, you can stay with me, I have an apartment away form the base, and don’t worry about your home here, no one in there right mind would mess with it, your right in the middle of sector 98B, so it’s protected by the military.” Nova’s expiration changed from worried to excited and happy at what Yuri had told him. “You mean…that I can stay with you!” Yuri nodded his head and held out his hand to Nova. “Common it’s a long walk back, but it’s worth it, you can call the first room Nova and dinners on me when we get there.” Nodding his head Nova took ahold of Yuri’s hand and they started to walk back to Yuri’s base.

To be continued…......

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Shine: wow its a wonderful story, I actually like it

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