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How to train your dragoness. Posted by: Driana BlackScale at 08-24-2015 21:59 PM, Last Modified 08-24-2015 21:59 PM
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The sudden slam of the door jarred her attention away from the dark red roses that she had been trimming with one of her talons, the perfect balance of beauty with a subtle luring danger. “Playing with your damn flowers as usual I see.” His dark and snide voice carried over the lush green grass like a stormy breeze, making the very scales on her back tighten in response. Sighing to herself, she went to stand up and see why he was in such a mood...well..more so than usual. “Oh no, by all means,”he growled before her head was forced forwards and down into the rosebush until her snout was pressed into the dirt. “Why do you spend so much time admiring a plant when my handsome fur suprasses any rose petal.” She didn’t have any time to even try and answer his rhetorical question before she felt those strong firm fingers clasped her throat from behind.
Even with her cumbersome wings draped over the roses,scratched and bleeding from the various thorns tearing at the tender webbing,he threw her backwards onto the grass as if she weighed nothing to him. At least now she could look over her sexy male in his finest form,his crimson hair draped over both of his lean shoulders in large but simple braids. She couldn’t hide her toothy smile, not even caring for the minor scrapes since she had become accustomed to feeling pain ever since she had met him. “I was admiring them ‘Your greatness’.” Making sure even his pompous ears could catch the sarcasm,she stood up and brushed off the small black skirt she had been wearing before pulling a few of the green thorns from my cobalt spaghetti-strapped shirt. The twinge of anger that tugged his lips downard was pure enjoyment.
“You’re lucky that you compliment my looks,otherwise your smartass mouth wouldn’t be hanging around, much less enjoying my company,”he scoffed, balling his fists as he moved towards her. Even his walk spoke of confidence and surety, his slender dark fur shifting in the wind of each step until he stopped just in front of her, those golden eyes of his burning into hers with a mixed fire of emotion. Offering a slight smirk in response,she brushed her snow white locks over her shoulders and finished dusting her wings off before folding them behind her,barely looking at him,“And even so, I’m still here enjoying your company as usual,so calm down and for fuck’s sake, do something with your hair, it’s getting all messy looking around your horns.”
Like a switch, he moved to instantly start messing with his locks, ensuring that his four black horns were left perfectly visible and his mane groomed to perfection...only to realize that it wasn’t in disorder at all..which only returned his frustrated glare. “Just get your ass inside and cleaned up and don’t let me see you staring at those roses again,”he snarled, directing a onyx claw towards the backdoor. Such a commanding one, but she loved him for it and who could resist the confidence that radiated from his voice that made his slender body give the feel of a much more daunting presence.
“Fine but make sure you are in a better mood before I get out of the shower,” she hissed, turning around and strolling to the door, swinging her hips and rear at him while her long and slender tail brushed a neat swath for his pampered paws to follow behind on. He had to be treated like a king...no...demanded it, and he WOULD get what he demanded, that much she learned from whenthey first met.
The hot shower was a welcome comfort, allowing the dust to wash off her shining black scales and down all her little curves. Freshly cleaned, she decided not to bring a change of clothes since he preferred her naked anyway,and it made it so much easier to tease him. Stepping out of the bathroom, she made her way into the den to find him doing his usual grooming in the mirror. “You missed a spot hun.” Watching him from the mirror, his frustrated sigh could have carried the words on its own as he turned to face the one who was being such a pain in the ass today. It seemed he had stripped out of his overcoat and shirt to allow easier access to groom his torso, every sliver of ruby fur that highlighted his intricate markings was combed to uniformity.
She couldn’t help but rub her thighs together while she looked him over, licking her lips from the mere thought of enjoying the treat that he kept concealed below his dark trousers. “Speak for yourself you little bitch..,”he huffed, eyeing her naked body up and down, all while she could feel her cheeks growing warmer. The way he spoke sent shivers up her spine and she could feel her loins starting to drip in response, but she wasn’t about to let him enjoy her just yet. “Well then...since you are still in a sour mood,” she started to say as she moved over to the cupboard on the opposite end of the room, “I guess I’ll have to use other methods.” She could hear him make an annoyed growl, obviously growing angry that she wasn’t admiring his shirtless form to his satisfaction.
Slowly pulling the doors of the cupboard open, she made sure to bend over slowly,sliding her tail to the side so her velvety entrances were puckered perfectly for him while she grabbed a small glass pipe and the little metal container that lay next to it. “What the hell are you doing?” His puzzled expression was humorous, finding his gaze torn between the items in her palm and the obvious glistening droplets that were spreading down her thighs. “ Ohhh nothing..,” she smiled as she moved over to him with a toothy smile, sliding her spined tail up his leg and around his waist, moaning from the warm sensation of his fur. “Now come sit with me, my flawless king.”
In order to get him to do what she wanted, she always had to butter him up with the words he liked to hear the most, to soothe his unwavering desire for perfection. Even if he wasn’t entirely willing, she tugged him lightly over to the couch before sitting down next to him with a loving coo. “Get your tail from around my waist, your scales are like sandpaper and its ruffling my fur,”he snarled, grasping her tail with his claws and tearing it from his fur and forcing her to lay it back down by her side. Whining as his touch released her tail, her attention turned to the container in her lap, turning the lid until it revealed the bright green ground herbs inside. Taking a small pinch of the almost skunk-like smelling stuff, she packed the bowl of the pipe and handed it to him with a firm snarl,”Now hold this to your mouth or otherwise I’m putting my clothes back on.”
“Don’t worry, it will make you look much more...handsome,” she said with a sensual purr, blinking her eyes at him and struggling to hold back a playful giggle. His expression said that he thought otherwise but she knew that he secretly like to smoke from time to time when she wasn’t looking, because he thought the smoke distracted from his amazing form. That and he knew that pissing off a dragoness wouldn’t end well for his freshly brushed fur either. Sighing to himself, he raised a brow at her and she leaned up to exhale a small blue flame onto the edge of the bowl, lighting the herbs for him like a good little girl.
His eyes closed as he drew in a deep lungful of the pale white smoke before quickly handing the pipe back with a shocked cough. Leaning forward, he burst forth into a fit of coughs,his long red braids fell over his shoulders and shook with each loud burst of his heated breath. “WHAT THE.. IS THIS...YOU FUCKER!!” He tried to yell between each struggled breath, all the while she puffed away a few tokes before casually setting the pipe and the container down onto the floor. You see, when he did decide to smoke, it was that horrible smelling tobacco that one could find a wealthy businessman to have in his cigars. He never approved of her more preferred dose of cannabis that helped her relax after our more..vigorous sessions, saying the way it affected her eyes would cause his to look repulsive.
She couldn’t help but over an innocent smile as he snapped his head over at her..and of course..those golden eyes of his were red...but far more than she knew her harmless weed could do. “Well then, red was always a much more suiting color.” He snarled and quickly thrust a paw up to grasp her throat, pulling her only inches from his snout, “You’ll pay for that you naughty whore.” His scent made her weak at the knees, and the pressure on her throat made breathing a labored chore yet causing her entire body to tense and shiver beneath him.
She couldn’t help but squirm beneath his paws, doing her best to curl her tail around his waist, all while her paws slid up and over his thighs, enjoying the feel of his raised fur against her palm. “Pay for what my love? Are you telling me that my mighty male can’t even handle a little weed? At least it smells better than that other horrible stuff that you like to smoke.” She was being honest but the sharp slap across her face instantly shut her up, but the stinging sensation he left in it’s place had her licking my lips for more.
“Shut up..,”he said with a snarl,his red-tinged eyes burning into her very soul,”I’m sick of having such a disrespectful bitch speak to me this way. You were far more behaved when we first met.” However, he failed to admit that when they first met, she was left gagged and bound beneath him, unable to even attempt to speak out against him. She opened her mouth to speak but he thrust her backwards onto the couch with a rough growl, using his other paw to knock her tail away once more before using his foot to stomp it into the floor. She couldn’t help but press her thighs together, longing to have his mouth silenced between her legs. Letting out a frustrated hiss, she blew a small cloud of smoke up into his face with an amused smirk before moving a paw up to stroke the fur of his neck.
“Perhaps if you showed me how to behave, I wouldn’t act so naughty,” Easing into his grasp further, she had just enough room to drape her legs up onto his lap with a teasing smile, the effects of the herbs finally taking their toll on her nervous system and forcing her muscles to shift between relaxing and tensing in more ways than one. The dilemma in his eyes was clear and it wasn’t but a few seconds before he decided to finally release her throat so he could scrape his claws slowly down the smooth scales of her thighs. “I would have assumed a dragoness of such stature would know some manners, or maybe it’s that you just enjoy being a rebellious little brat?” At that, she couldn’t help but giggle and blink innocently up at him, “Maaaybe.” Inching ever closer onto his lap, She leaned up to wrap her arms around slender toned chest and pulled herself against his warm fur.
She was just as surprised,however, when he decided to give her the rare comforting pleasure of his own snug embrace, even if it was only a brief second before he decided to push her off him. Landing on the floor with a rough thud,her plump naked ass made a rather comical squeak as she landed. A slight whimper left her while she turned around to pick herself up, getting on her hands and knees to try and steady herself from the rather jarring landing. Once again, her snowy locks were greeted by his unwavering heel, the pressure forcing her to turn her cheek before being pressed firmly against the floor.
“As much as I enjoy your teasing, that’s no excuse for what you decided to do. Naked or not, I think it’s the perfect time you learned your place…” She couldn’t turn to look at him,but the dark tone in his voice had a looming sharpness that gave way to the subtle tones of what he had planned next. Her body grew tense, tail frozen while her wings pressed firmly against her shoulder blades until the tension was distracted by one of his sharp talons slicing down one of her buttocks, ushering a pleading whimper in response. “Now lets see here….,”he cooed to himself, as though he were contemplating on what exactly he should do, all while the talon ventured ever closer to her quivering pucker. Even with all of their ventures, she had never allowed him to touch her anywhere near that region...mainly because it wasn’t exactly accommodating for someone of his endowment. That being said, he never ceased his efforts until the sharp point circled around the tender pink flesh. “A naughty slut like you has to be taught some manners,and what better way to start than by breaking you in like all those who dared to come before you.”
“You wouldn’t….,”she snarled up at him, trying she hardest to raise up from under his heel, only to have him stomp she face back onto the tile. That rewarded her with a sharp slap against her already dripping slit, all her wet arousal making the slap sting that much more and nearly causing her knees to buckle. She could feel her face growing red and tears started to well up in her eyes, unable to hide her shameful position. “Didn’t I just tell you to shut your damn mouth? Tsk.Tsk.Tsk.” The sounds of a zipper unzipping was soon followed by what was presumably his pants falling to the floor with a soft thud, but it did force him to remove his foot. By now, she was too afraid to object and lay there bent over for him like the obedient slut that he desired.
“P-Please….I’ll behav-” Once again she was cut off by the sharp painful slap against her cunt, but the stinging sensations he sent through her loins was starting to turn to a lustful ecstasy….and fuck did she want more. “You..,” he started to say as he leaned down to lift her head up by the nape of her neck, forcing her to sit back onto her ankles,”Just can’t seem to follow even the simplest orders….that smartass mouth of yours just refuses to obey.” Finally allowed to gaze up at him, she was greeted by his fully erect shaft throbbing merely inches from her face, a glistening drop of precum already making its way down his dark thick shaft. Glancing up at him,she swallowed the quickly forming saliva that had her mouth watering in response to such a sexy sight. He just stood there for who knows how long...just eyeing her like she was just another plaything to satisfy his own urges, expecting her to just latch onto his rod like some eager slut...but how could one resist….especially when his intoxicating musk was flooding her olfactory senses every waking second.
“Can’t we just talk abo..ghhrr..” Not even allowed to ask a single question, he took advantage of her blabbing mouth and thrust his length into her slender maw; the sudden intrusion caused her to gag and nearly vomit from his size blocking her airways. Eyes growing wide in shock at first, they turned to aggravation at how he was forcing her to bend to his will, whether she wanted to or not. All those thoughts quickly faded away once her slender forked-tongue wrapped around his meaty rod and slowly started to stroke along its girth, the hypnotizing taste forcing her to moan out into his crotch in search of more of the clear delicious treat.
“That’s right...suck me like a good little whore,”he purred, keeping his paw pressed to the back of her neck, not allowing her to pull away for a breath. Even with her lungs, it was a losing race as her eyes forced themselves shut and her knees quivered with an ever growing need for relieve from the unforgiving stone floor. Maybe if she sucked hard enough and teased all the right areas, he would just blow his load and be done with her like all the other times...but it seemed the weed had given him a newfound sense of stamina, the likes of which she had never seen. Minutes seemed to go by until her head started to swim. Suddenly, her muscles gave way and he quickly pulled himself from her mouth, allowing her to fall forward, gasping for air. “What a fucking bitch….you aren’t even trying to pleasure me are you,”he growled, pacing around between her and the large fireplace that adorned the center of the living room.
She wasn’t about to try and speak out, and even if she had the breath to do so, she had learned her lesson from the soreness that still lingered on her folds. Instead, she only shook her head from side to side, doing her best to steady herself to get up off of the floor. Nothing was going to please him ,because the aggravated snarl was quickly followed by a sharp yank on her tail, causing her to scream out in pain as his claws sunk into the tender flesh and forced a few streams of warm crimson blood to poured down her ass until it dropped to the floor beneath her. Her talons scraped and clawed at the slick stone floor, all in vain while he drug her closer and closer to the warm fire that flickered in the hearth.
“When I ask a question, then and only then are you allowed to speak. Now are you going to please me,”he scowled, pulling her tail up until her hind paws could barely tiptoe on the floor, the excruciating pressure on her tail had her hips screaming and all she wanted to do was to find a way to release herself from his hold. “Y-Yes Sir!” She couldn’t believe he was capable of such torture ,but she guessed everyone has their limit of how much they could take, including her...and he had found that limit. “Good girl…,but since you felt like trying to get off while you gave me that pitiful blowjob…,”he trailed off, the sounds of metal shifting against metal echoing in her ears. She couldn’t help that she was getting wet from his delicious rod, but he never liked seeing her arousal unless he was the one physically causing it.
“Just hold onto this for me,”he growled, making her wonder what he had for her to hold...only to answer that question shortly. A small cool slender rod was thrust up into her pussy with such force that she couldn’t help but scream out and fall forward form such an intrusion, the sudden shock instantly causing her body to clench and spasm around the foreign object that she soon realized was the handle of a fire poker, making her grateful that he hadn’t decided to use the other end instead. She could hear him chuckling to himself, all while she was a teary mess, desperate to relieve the growing pressure that he forced to build in her walls.
She couldn’t move...even when she tried to get up, the large poker kept her from finding a way without it shifting and forcing the tender flesh to stretch to allow for it to slide out. Maybe if she squeezed hard enough….
“Oh no you don’t,”he growled, taking hold of the metal and pushing it further until it prodded against her cervix, using it to force her back onto her knees. She closed her eyes and did the best she could, to hold on, leaving her ass lifted up in the air while her tail hung limp at her side, blood still lightly trickling down her scales. Suddenly, she could feel both of his paws grasp at her hips until she could feel his bulbous tip pressing against her pucker. Whimpering and whining, she shifted ever slightly to have his tip avoid penetrating her directly until he snarled and thrust his first few inches into her virgin ass.
Fuck….the pain was a whole new experience but the pleasure that soon followed had her mouth hanging open, tongue falling out like a bitch in heat. “Mmm….such a tight little ass should have been mine a long time ago,” he groaned while he slowly pushed more and more of his cock into her backdoor until he was buried at the hilt. Her strength was waning but she couldn’t resist backing into his shaft, allowing his jewels to slap and grind along the metal shaft of the fire poker. This time he didn’t object to her actions, instead, he gripped harder at her rear and quickly began to pump his cock in and out….in and out...faster and faster. “Fuuuuhhhuhhh uhhhckkk….moree...pleasee...I-I feel like..,”she moaned out lovingly for him.
She couldn’t contain the urge to ride him like all the times before, but this time using her anal muscles to wring his cock like the perfect sleeve she was. His thrusts grew faster and faster until he suddenly ripped his member from her bowels...only to remove the metal rod and force his cock inside of her nearly loosened twat. “Don’t you dare fucking cum on me….I don’t want all that draconic mess on my floor..much less my wonderful fur….”he groaned, resuming his fucking….all while she was left shocked...forced to bite down on her lips to hold back the ever approaching orgasm. “Nmnnphh...fuuck yess,”he roared out, forcing her body forward with one last thrust until he pushed her to the floor, allowing his climax to shower over her wings and bloodied ass and tail.
Seeing he was finished, the hot seed dripping from her hair, down to her thighs, She moved a paw down to hurriedly stroke over her clit, desperate to cum amidst her aching muscles and gaping holes. Just when she felt that she could push myself over the edge, he took hold of both her wrists and pulled her up to her fee
, his eyes a solid crimson and his devilish white fangs twisted into a greedy smile. “Did I say you could cum yet? We’re just getting started….My dragoness…”

To Be Continued…..?

Written By: Shade Blackscale
Characters: Gaelan Thorne and Shade Blackscale (Genderbent)


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