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A drastic turn for the worse Posted by: Whitetip at 12-05-2013 13:44 PM, Last Modified 12-05-2013 13:50 PM
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Warning: This story contains adult themes and is not suitable for people who aren’t adults, simple as that. There are homosexual acts and descriptions of surgical procedures and other things that may offend those of a sensitive nature, so if this is you then don’t read it. If you read it and find the subject matter offensive or disturbing then that’s your own damn fault as you have been warned. If not then I hope you have fun reading.
A drastic turn for the worse
As whitetip looked down at what lay on the bed in front of him he had to admit to himself that the night had seemingly taken a drastic turn for the worse. The voices he could here around him and the words they were saying were just adding more weight to the horrible feeling he was having, which was that tonight had been a very big mistake. It had all started so well, but then like many decisions regretted later there was often something positive at the beginning that helped the decision be made.
It had all started not much more than an hour and a half ago when whilst sitting on his own at a table in Bar Canis two buck rabbits had approached him and asked if they could sit down with him. His first impression had been “damn those are two cute bunnies”. Actually they looked so alike that his first thought had been that they were twins who both happened to be looking for something that night. They were both white with a black patch on their right upper leg which he could see because it extended below the very short and tight blue denim shorts they were wearing to a point a few inches above the knee. The also both had a black patch of fur around their right eyes and one lop ear, though unlike the black patches the ears were on the opposite sides on each bunny. It hadn’t just been their jeans that were tight either but also their skinny fitting pale pastel yellow t-shirts which showed that they were both slim and that there was little in the way of muscle mass on their bodies. After they had sat down they had asked him what he was doing here and both had squeed excitedly when he had told them he was looking to find something to do for the rest of the night. He didn’t tell them that he had actually been hoping to pick up a manly guy who wanted to plough some tight doggy rump, or that he usually had little interest in more sissy feminine looking guys, because right then he was still captivated by how cute they were and by the thought that he might get the chance to screw two sexy bunnies in one night, and this was something he hadn’t had a chance to do before. He remembered them introducing themselves (even though now he couldn’t remember the name of one of them) and then offering to get him a shot of whatever he wanted to which he’d agreed. After a while the novelty of getting to maybe have fun with two girly rabbits had started to wear off slightly and the sound of their slightly too high pitched voices had started to grate on his nerves a bit. This was made worse by their habit of squeeing loudly every time they thought something sounded even slightly fun.
After a while he had excused himself to go to the bathroom and on the way remembered seeing Shetae, a very sexy pony stallion who he had spent several great nights with previously. Shetae had winked suggestively at him as he passed and after that he’d made up his mind to ditch the rabbits and try and go home with the sexy equine. Maybe the rabbits had sensed his change of mind as unbeknownst to him they had followed him into the bathroom and while he had been relieving himself in the end stall they had snuck up on him. He’d just finished shaking the last drips of urine off his member and was about to refasten his shorts when his arms were seized and pulled behind him and he had been pushed forward against the back wall of the stall. There had been hot breath in his ear and then a familiar high pitched voice had told him quite calmly that if they wanted to then two rabbits could be screwing him one after the other in this stall right then and there. To add extra weight to this threat the other rabbit whose name he could remember was Dale had squeezed into the stall pulling the door shut and locking it behind him and then pulled down his shorts and boxers so the rabbit pinning his arms behind him could grind the not inconsiderable bulge in his tight shorts up and down between his arse cheeks. The realisation that if he stuck with these two for the night he was likely to end up getting thoroughly buggered by two girlish bunnies, one of whom was obviously pretty well hung, helped him make up his mind very quickly when they asked him if he wanted to come back to their place for a night of rampant sucking and fucking.
The walk to their place from Bar Canis had only taken a few minutes and once they had unlocked the door and welcomed him to their humble home they had rushed him straight up the stairs and through a door into their large bedroom without even giving him a chance to take his shoes off in the hall way. The room really was beautiful that was for sure. The colour scheme was dark wood and deep vibrant red which had made him feel like he was in a bedroom of a grand stately home rather than a small terraced house in the city centre. He’d barely had time to take in the details of the room, like the shelves lined with different sexual instruments from whips to butt plugs to stainless steel instruments that had to have been medical in nature, or the many clearly pornographic paintings and drawings that hung on the walls before the rabbits had pinned him between them. The one behind him had unbuttoned his shorts with practised skill and smoothly pulled them down with his boxer shorts too, while the one in front had pulled his t-shirt and hoody over his head in one flowing movement. It had only been a matter of about 10 seconds after that before the rabbits too had stripped off their clothes and he had been a combination of pulled and pushed up onto the soft bed. The rabbit kneeling in front of him had run his fingers through Whitetip’s braided hair and then suddenly grasped his horns and pulled his head down so he was staring at the rabbit’s finely furred sheath and large balls. The rabbit had then moved his hips seductively making his maleness sway gently side to side before taking a firmer grasp on Whitetip’s horns and pushing his sheath into the canine’s nose. The slightly musky smell had made the urge to lick almost instinctive and he hadn’t tried to fight it, instead he had let his tongue start to softly lick over the slowly swelling sheath and then over the slightly pointed red tip starting to protrude from the opening.
While he had been starting his oral exploration of the rabbit in front of him Dale, who was kneeling behind him, had been gently moving his swelling sheath up and down Whitetip’s arse crack. It had taken no time at all before he had felt the rabbits cock growing and then his fur getting damp as the rabbits hardening member began to ooze precum. As his backside had gotten damper the rabbit had moved so that his cock was rubbing up under Whitetip’s tail and over his tight puckered hole. Dale hadn’t even asked if he was ready but had just started pushing the tapering end of his cock into his already well lubricated hole. He remembered letting out a gasp, a mixture of pain and pleasure, as the rabbit began to slowly thrust the first few inches of his cock in and out, lubricating the passage to allow more of himself in. The gasp had acted as an invitation for the other rabbit to put his nearly hard member into his mouth and start humping his muzzle vigorously. After that he had quickly become lost in pleasure as he was spit roasted by the two horny rabbits, Dale holding his tail firmly by its base as he firmly fucked his arse and the other rabbit holding his horns firmly to keep his head in position so he could go wild in the canine’s warm mouth. Both rabbits seemed to have an endless supply of slippery precum as not only was he swallowing mouthful after mouthful from the cock in his mouth but he could hear the slurping and squelching noises build in volume from behind him as Dale fucked him. Unfortunately it had all been over a bit too quickly as it was less than a few minutes before Dale had let go of the base of his tail and grasped his hips, slamming himself home a few more times before moaning softly as his cock began to release its load deep within his bowels. He’d felt the member in his arse pulsing as its owner had filled him with hot rabbit spunk and it was barely any time after that when his head had been pulled tight into the other rabbits crotch as its owners cock had erupted in his mouth, giving him several large mouthfuls of pleasant tasting rabbit cum. His own cock had been hard and begging for attention at that point but the rabbits hadn’t really seemed interested in that so he had quickly finished himself off with his right hand, spraying cum all over the duvet cover.
After that it seemed like the night might be over as suddenly as it had begun as they had both pulled their cocks free from his body and sat down on the bed, then encouraged him to do the same. They then had a short conversation about sexual limits and he had told them that his only real no no’s were scat, piss and pain. They had seemed to like the sound of this and started suggesting different things to him. Fisting, group sex, bondage, dressing up and giant sex toys had all been suggested and he had nodded, more enthusiastically to some suggestions than others but not refusing any. After a little while and a few more questions they had suggested that they get out some bondage gear and he had agreed and let them place cuffs on his ankles which were attached to each end of quite a wide spreader bar, then they had done the same with another set of cuffs around his wrists which were also either end of a spreader bar, though this one narrower than the one between his ankles, before using another solid bar to hold the bars between his wrists and ankles in one position. Now he was on his hands and knees unable to really move at all. They had then fixed his tail tightly to his back using another strap before finishing off the ensemble with a large rubber ball gag.
After he had been secured Dale sat down on the bed in front of him and stroked his already re-stiffening member while the other rabbit had at the prompt of a nod from Dale pulled out a box of surgical gloves and a large bottle of thick liquid, probably lube he had assumed, from a drawer and pulled one glove over his right paw. Then he had picked up the bottle and gone round behind him and started teasing his tail hole. He was still slick with Dales cum so it hadn’t been hard for the rabbit to slide a few fingers inside him and start to slowly move them. Suddenly he had felt a cool sensation on his hole as what he assumed was lube was applied liberally to the fingers sliding in and out of him. The invading digits had then been slowly withdrawn before they were replaced, but this time with one more. This was repeated again so there had been four fingers slowly sliding in and out of him while the rabbits thumb gently pressed against the base of his tail and the skin surrounding his hole. Dale had then produced a small brown bottle of liquid and unscrewed the lid before holding the bottle close to his nose forcing him, due to the ball gag restricting the breathing he could do orally, to breathe deeply on the strong smelling fumes coming from the bottle. The poppers had made his head swim and his body tingle and while he was rushing the rabbit behind him had withdrawn his fingers before suddenly pushing them back. This time though the rabbit hadn’t been just inserting his fingers but trying to force his whole fist inside which thanks to the copious amounts of lubrication and the head full of poppers had started to gradually happen. It had been very uncomfortable and he had tried to struggle against the bonds holding him but there was nothing he could do. He also tried to call out for them to stop and let him adjust but the ball gag was working wonders. He hadn’t even been able to try and clamp his tail down as it was tied against his back so slowly and inexorably the rabbits paw slid completely inside him until his sphincter was able to close again until it was wrapped tightly round the rabbit’s wrist. The feeling of the paw moving and twisting slowly inside him had been incredible once he had gotten over the initial shock of the penetration and he had tried to use what little movement he had to drive it deeper which had elicited more delighted squees from both rabbits. Suddenly the paw had been pulled out from inside him with a lewd shlurping noise and the rabbit behind him had declared he was ready and left the room and went downstairs. He had only been gone for a few seconds before there were footsteps on the stairs again but it was definitely not just the rabbit that had gone down. There sounded like there were several persons coming up the stairs some of whom with hooves as the noise of the steps was loud and sharp. He had realised he was right a few seconds later when the door opened and two large equines followed the rabbit into the room.
This was when alarm bells had started ringing in his head. The two equines had proceeded to strip and then one of them had opened the bag he carried and pulled out a metal tray which he placed on the bed in front of him. The rabbit had then poured what appeared to be warm water into the tray and then a sachet of some kind of granules which gave off a smell of disinfectant. The equine that had placed the tray down then returned back to his bag and got out a small rolled up piece of fabric tied with a cord. He had carried it over and untied it revealing a collection of very real looking surgical instruments that he had dropped into the tray as well as a few syringes and needles and a bottle of some kind of liquid. He remembered thinking that if this was a game he didn’t want to play and then Dales voice had said something that made his blood run cold. “Feel free to do whatever you want, as long as it doesn’t really hurt he won’t mind. He told us himself he’s up for almost anything”. He had tried to protest but he couldn’t speak due to the gag and he had tried to move but he was well and truly held in place. Then one of the stallions had said the C word and that’s when the real gut wrenching panic had set in.
Which brought him back to the present moment, restrained on all fours on these rabbits bed as two large equines discussed how they were going to castrate him. What surgical technique they wanted to use and if they were going to do a scrotal ablation too. A scrotal ablation! What the hell was one of those? He thought to himself.
“Thanks Dale this one looks like a great specimen, big thanks for sorting this out for us. It’s been way too long since we had a chance to get the gear out”.
“Don’t mention it J my man. I’ve been looking forward to seeing another one of these for quite some time myself”.
Whitetip still tried in vain to fight against the ball gag. He didn’t want this to happen. He didn’t want to be left neutered.
“Right let’s get going” said J before picking up a syringe and a needle and unwrapping them. He joined them together and then picked up the bottle and drew up a syringe full of the fluid it contained. “Well my little canine friend this is some local anaesthetic. We want to make sure it doesn’t hurt after all” he said as he began to prepare a second syringe. “Chequer can you start preparing him. The trimmer is in the bag” he said to the other horse, who quickly pulled out a pair of electric clippers and flicked them on.
Whitetip squirmed as he felt the cold head of the clippers moving over his flesh and then his scrotum which made him wince slightly as the blades made small nicks in the sensitive skin there. After a few minutes the clippers were turned off and replaced in the bag. Chequer returned with some swabs and a spray bottle and then started wiping and cleaning around the site he had just shaved, paying special attention to his hanging ball sack. The liquid he was using to clean the skin felt cold and even stung where it came into contact with the small lesions the clipper had left so Whitetip was almost glad when the equine stopped and stood back.
“Ready when you are J”.
“Great let’s get this show on the road” said the large bay stallion with a grin on his face. He picked up one of the filled syringes and walked around behind Whitetip. He gave a few gentle tugs on his balls before carefully examining the one on the right. “I reckon we’ll infiltrate here and here” he said to the other stallion and then gently started pushing the needle into Whitetip’s scrotum. He felt an uncomfortable painful pinch but the sensation of pain quickly disappeared as the anaesthetic did its work. After that he could feel the needle moving round beneath the skin but there was just a dull sensation of movement and no pain to accompany it. Whitetip watched the now empty syringe be placed back on the bed next to the still full one before J started talking again.
“Ok Chequer can you get me a set of sterile gloves out and ready and Dale if you want you can get another sterilised swab and just give his balls another quick going over before we make the first cut”.
As Dale started carefully cleaning his balls again Whitetip still tried to hold onto the hope that they were just trying to scare him and that this was all part of some, admittedly very committed role playing exercise. He heard the snap of latex as J pulled his gloves on and then the stallion leaning down in front of him.
“Don’t worry little man it’ll all be over soon. Just try to enjoy it. Remember this is a once in a lifetime experience” he said with a grin before reaching into the tray and pulling out a scalpel. Whitetip again tried to fight against his bindings as the stallion walked back round behind him. If this was just a role play this was going to be the moment of truth. He tried pleading and shouting again but he couldn’t sound the words he wanted to say, which were “please don’t do this”.
“I’m going home, the sight of this makes me feel sick” said the rabbit that wasn’t Dale and he quickly opened the door and slipped out before closing it behind him.
Whitetip then really started too panic. This was going to happen and there was nothing he could do. He was about to be emasculated by a pair of equines while a perverted girly rabbit watched it happen. He was about to start crying when he felt his balls being lifted up and then a dull sensation as they were pulled tightly in J’s left hand. The strange sensation momentarily stopped his fear but he knew it wouldn’t last long. J carefully brought the scalpel to the skin and made a cut about 4cm long. He carried on squeezing as he carefully opened the different layers of the scrotum, careful not to nick the testicle within, until with a little more pressure the testicle popped free of its fleshy prison. Although he hadn’t felt the pain of the incision he had felt the blade and then he felt a tug in his guts as J had popped the testicle free and pulled it so the cord was tight. J leaned over and dropped the scalpel back into the tray and retrieved two pairs of artery forceps from it. The sight of the bloody scalpel was the trigger that made Whitetip start to struggle again but like before there was nothing he could do. Now the tears started to fall in abundance.
“Hey look Chequer he’s crying, who would have thought a big strong canine like this would get so emotional about having his balls cut off” said J.
“Yeah it’s almost a bit pathetic” replied Chequer.
Whitetip felt anger at their words but not enough to stem the flow of tears. Suddenly he heard a strange clicking noise quickly followed by a second identical noise though it was hard to hear it too clearly over the sound of his own tears.
“Well that’s the clamps in place” said J cheerily, “can you get me some suture material please Chequer” he asked. The Stallion came out with a box containing different suturing materials. He got out a reel of suture material and pulled a length free. J placed both clamps and Whitetip’s testicle into his left hand and then reached round carefully into the tray and got out some scissors. He then took the proffered length of suture in the middle and cut it a few inches below Chequers hand and then a short distance below his own hand.
“Looks great like this doesn’t it Dale?” asked J. “Don’t you love how you can see all the parts of the cord now it is pulled nice and tight”.
The rabbit nodded enthusiastically. “Oh yeah J this really is so damn hot. You have to teach me how to do it properly one day” he said with a wink.
“Oh yeah I can do that easily enough” said the stallion as he started tying the length of suture tightly round the cord above the clamped forceps. When he was happy with it he trimmed the ends of the knot. “Actually as a special treat you can do the final removal of this one if you want. Chequer can you get him a blade out of the bag, don’t worry about a handle”.
Dale loudly squeed in pleasure, “Don’t I need gloves?” he asked rabbit curiously.
“Nah just make sure you only hold the testicle itself as that’s coming off so doesn’t need to be sterile”.
Dale carefully took the blade that Chequer offered from the wrapper he had opened. “Just cut in between the clamps and then you’re sorted” he told the excited rabbit who leaned in close and did just that. The testicle came free in his hand and he squeezed it gently.
“Wow this feels so amazing” he said as he held it up close to his face and examined it carefully. “What shall I do with it now?” he asked.
“Well whatever you want but I was thinking you should lay it down in front of this helpless little doggies face so he can get a good look” said the stallion evilly. Dale did just that and Whitetip looked on in horror through tear filled eyes as one of his own testicles was laid on the bed in front of him. He started trying to scream and bawl even more but the sounds just came out as pathetic muffled noises. He felt himself gagging and wanted to throw up but tried his best to stifle the nausea as he knew if he threw up now he might well end up choking on his own vomit before the ball gag could be removed so he just closed his eyes and tried his best to think of something else. It worked slightly though he could do nothing to shut out the smells and sounds of what was going on.
Back around behind him J had released the clamp on the cord below the suture and watched in pleasure as the cord disappeared back into the hole in the scrotum.
Whitetip tried to ignore the rest of the operation as best he could which thankfully didn’t take long though at the same time it seemed to last forever. He kept his eyes squeezed tight shut but still the voice of his unwanted surgeon carried on narrating what he was doing. That, as well as the rattle of instruments being put into and removed from the tray and the clicking of the clamps made it impossible to ignore what was happening beyond his sight. He didn’t see the other testicle being laid in front of him to join its brother, or the skin that used to be his scrotum being laid down with it after the equine had carefully removed this so after it was healed Whitetip would have just a smooth area of skin instead of an empty scrotum.
“Right we’re all done with the op, just got to close up” said J’s voice suddenly. “Chequer, get me some suture material for closing up please”. The stallion reached into the bag on the floor and came out with a small package which carefully opened before offering the contents too J who took it out. He then reached into the tray and retrieved some needle holders and forceps and started to carefully close the wound where the scrotum used to be.
“So that’s an ablation is it?” asked Dale as he watched the equine working. “It really looks pretty sexy”.
“Yeah it does look good doesn’t it” said J with pride, “much better than having an empty ball sack flapping around down there anyway”. Chequer too nodded in agreement at this.
A few minutes later Whitetip heard a rattle of metal as the needle holders were placed back in the tray and then the sound of latex snapping back as J pulled off his gloves.
“Right then Chequer if you could clean him up back there I seem to have worked up quite a sweat doing that and I can see a nice, freshly neutered, bound up little fuck toy just begging for his first post op screwing”.
“Sure thing J”
“And Dale why not get our little friend here to open his eyes. You can take the gag out too now if you want. I quite want to hear what he has to say”.
“With pleasure” said the Rabbit, grinning expansively.
At the sound of J’s words Whitetip opened his eyes and started to come round from his stupor and stared in horror at what was in front of him. Both his testicles sat on the bed in front of his face and now his tears had dried up anger was building like an unstoppable force within him. He felt the buckle behind his head being unfastened and the gag was pulled out of his mouth. As Dale pulled it free he tried to lunge at the paw near his mouth with the intention of biting hard but the rabbit moved too quickly. “You sick fucking cunts. What the hell have you done to me?” he screamed as loud as he could. “I’m going to fucking rip your own balls off with my fucking teeth and watch you fucking eat them afterwards”. He struggled against his bonds with a new strength from the hate he was feeling, but still he couldn’t break or loosen his bonds. “You hear me I’m going to fucking rip your balls off with my teeth. And J I’m also going to rip your fucking cock off and then I’m going to rip your throat out and watch you die”.
“My my isn’t he angry” said J. “What do you think Dale and Chequer? You scared of this little neutered puppy?”.
“Not at all” said Dale, “actually I think the threats are quite cute in a way”.
“Yeah they are pretty good coming from some helpless little fixed doggy” added Chequer with a laugh.
“Oh yeah you can laugh now but you’re going to be laughing on the other side of your long fucking face when I get done with you” shouted Whitetip.
“You know what?” said Dale, “I have an idea. Why not make him do what he threatened us with. Let’s make this helpless little dog eat his own testicles. That would be fun wouldn’t it?”
“Just you fucking try it you fucking scum. If your hand comes near my mouth you are going to lose your fucking fingers, that is a fucking promise” said Whitetip as he struggled again against his bonds.
J leaned down and grabbed Whitetip by the scruff of his neck and held tightly, preventing him from moving his head to bite. Then he leaned in close and spoke into his ear. “Now just you listen here little dog. You are in no position to be making threats so I would shut the hell up if I was you. Now you are going to be a good doggy and eat those testicles or I will cut your fucking cock off too and I won’t use any anaesthetic this time, or even sterilise things first so you will likely get a horrible infection where your cock used to be. You fucking understand?”
Whitetip spat angrily, “you wouldn’t fucking dare”.
“Really you think so? I’ve just castrated you so why do you think I wouldn’t. And you’ve already told me how you’re going to kill me so what other threat can you make now? Now eat those fucking testicles now”.
“Go to hell you fucking cunt”.
“Great then. Dale you’re now going to get to see something really special. I’m going to amputate this little doggy’s cock and see if that cures his attitude problem”. Dale Squeed in delight again and Chequer let out a moan of pleasure too. J reached into the tray and lifted out the scalpel making sure to hold it in front of Whitetip’s face so he could get a good look. “So here it is. You sure you won’t do as you’re told?”
“Fuck you horse”. Anger blazed in Whitetip’s eyes as he stared at the instrument in J’s hand.
“Ok then your choice. But if you change your mind then I would make sure you say before it’s too late”. He quickly reached down under Whitetip’s body and grasped his sheath firmly and started sliding it back till the whole penis was exposed. Whitetip tried to pull it back his member back into his sheath but he couldn’t do it, instead it just hung out, vulnerable and ready to be removed. “Right then I’m going to count to three and then saw it off below the knot ok”.
Whitetip growled threateningly as the other too furs looked on incredulously, waiting to see what happened.
“No stop you fucking cunt I’ll do it, I’ll do it” snarled Whitetip.
“That’s better. Now lick them first and get a good taste” said J with a mocking tone in his voice.
“You’re all fucking sick you know” said whitetip angrily but he did as he was told and lent his down and started to gently lick the severed testicles in front of him. They didn’t taste of much but the thought of what he was doing repulsed him to the core.
“That’s a good puppy” said Dale. “How do they taste?”
“Fuck you rabbit” snapped Whitetip.
“Right then now it’s time to get a proper taste” said J. “One at a time into the mouth, chewed and swallowed. Ok?”
“Fuck you”.
“I can still take your fucking cock too so if you want to keep it you’ll do it ok. Do you understand?”
“Yes”. The venom in the reply was impossible to ignore.
“Well down the hatch with them then little doggy”.
Whitetip leaned forward as much as he could and picked up one of his balls carefully in his front teeth and let it into his mouth. It was still warm on his tongue and felt firm and unyielding when he it was between his teeth. He contemplated trying to swallow it whole but worried it might get stuck in his throat and choke him. He also worried that if he tried that then J would carry out his other threat. He rolled it round in his mouth a bit until it was between his teeth and closed his eyes. He couldn’t see them but he sensed the others lean in close to try and hear the sound oh him chewing on his own testicle. He breathed deeply one more time and then forced his jaws closed hard. The fibrous capsule put up significant resistance but finally ruptured releasing an unpleasant flavour over his tongue. He tried to quickly finish the job but the fibrous structure wasn’t going to be beaten that easily. He chewed again and again, fighting the urge to spit it out and finally was able to force himself to swallow. After they were satisfied that he had done it the others leaned back as Whitetip tried his best to spit the remaining unpleasant flavour out of his mouth.
“I think I’ll have the other one if no one minds” said Dale. He waited a few seconds and no one said anything so he picked up the other ball off the bed and popped it into his mouth before chewing firmly. “Oh yeah that is good testicle” he remarked to no one in particular before leaning towards Whitetip’s ear. “Thanks for the snack pup. Shame there isn’t more really” he said laughing. “So what now?” he asked J.
“Well I still want his arse so I’m gonna fuck him and then we’re gonna head off I reckon”. He said. “Sound good to you Chequer, or do you want his arse too?”
“Nah mate I’m just going to get off watching you” replied the other stallion.
“Ok sounds good”. “You ready for some hard stallion cock little dog?” he added to Whitetip.
Whitetip thought of what to say but there didn’t seem much he could say. He had been castrated, forced to eat one of his own testicles and regardless of what he said to J he knew the stallion was going to take him anyway. Better to just grin and bear it now and make the bastard suffer later. “Whatever” was all he managed to say.
J moved round behind him and picked up the bottle of lube that the other rabbit had used earlier and squeezed a large amount onto his cock. He had been rock hard since almost the beginning of the operation which had made things slightly awkward at times but now he was going to reap the rewards. He slowly started rubbing his fat lube soaked cock head under Whitetip’s tail before lining up and pushing the tip inside the canine’s tight warm passage.
“Oh god you’re tight” moaned J as he slid more and more thick horse cock into the slick embrace of Whitetip’s arse, not stopping until his cock head was pushing against the next barrier deeper within the captive canids hole. He started to slowly fuck, sliding out till just the slightly flared tip remained inside his partner before pushing back in to the maximum depth of the rectum. The thrusts caused Whitetip to involuntarily clench around the heavy mass of horse cock plundering his insides which in turn made J moan and thrust a bit harder. Suddenly J tightly gripped the black furred hips in front of him and pushed his cock deep into the hot cavern below him, but instead of pulling back he started moving his hips in a slow circle as he felt for the pathway to get deeper inside. Suddenly he found it and firmly sunk the last four inches of stiff horse cock into the neutered dog’s tight arse.
Whitetip moaned in a mix of pain and pleasure as the stallion found the way further in. It was the first moment he had showed any type of positive response to J’s attentions and although he hated himself for doing it the combined feeling of the head of J’s cock forcing its way deep into him and the pleasure of the stallion’s wide medial ring stretching his hole and pushing against his prostate couldn’t be ignored. He clenched his arse tightly which made J moan in heightened pleasure as the feel of this new level of tightness surrounding the sensitive head of his penis sent incredible waves of pleasure through him.
J started to fuck Whitetip in short and hard thrusts, just pulling out enough so that his medial ring slipped free of the incredible grip of the canine’s arsehole before forcing it back in. He hadn’t missed the change in Whitetip when he had hilted his cock into him and he intended to keep that level of pleasure going if he could. J began to pick up the pace more, slapping his heavy balls against the place where Whitetip’s own used to be as he felt his cock head begin to flare.
The feeling of J’s cock head flaring deep inside his body was it for Whitetip. The equine was fucking him so hard now and the tightness of his arse around the flared head was starting to really restrict the stallion’s available movement. Whitetip had to admit to himself that the horse really could fuck like a pro and from then he really tried to let himself go.
“Oh god you’re so fucking hot” exclaimed the stallion as he finally hit top gear. Below him Whitetip was moaning and bucking uncontrollably, his cock hanging from his sheath and fully erect, dripping the sperm free fluids that were all his body could now produce. Either side of him Dale and Chequer were furiously tugging at their own cocks mesmerised by the sight of the canine that had such a short time ago been so hostile, and who now was acting like the uninhibited fuck toy they had hope he would become. Dale blew his load first aiming the first shot at Whitetip’s open panting mouth. The canine greedily swallowed what landed in his mouth so Dale took a chance and rammed his still spurting cock into his mouth.
Five minutes ago he would have gladly bitten the rabbits cock off but right then, with over a foot of horse cock reaming his arse and about to unleash its load of hot potent cum deep inside, he sucked on it gladly and swallowed the remaining spurts of the rabbits ejaculate. As the rabbit pulled his cock free Chequer grabbed his horns and forced his thick horse cock into the canine’s muzzle. The musky taste was incredible and he sucked on it firmly. The new intensity of stimulation was too much for Chequer and he quickly reached his powerful climax, his cock head flaring wide in Whitetip’s mouth as jet after jet of hot horse cum filled the canine’s jaws and made his cheeks bulge wide as he tried to swallow it all.
J watched the canine greedily sucking on his friends spurting cock and that was all it took to send him over the edge. His cock head flared to its largest as he gave a few more short thrusts and then almost screamed in pleasure as he came like an explosion into the suffocatingly tight embrace of the dog’s bowels. His orgasm was also the final trigger for Whitetip to hit his own climax. As he felt J’s cock stretching him wider than ever he knew what was about to happen. As the stallion began shooting his load he felt the thundering pulses of the cock that was wrapped so tightly in the walls of his bowels and then an uncomfortable swelling feeling as the equines cum forced his colon to swell almost painfully full. The combination of this pressure, and the hard and swollen medial ring pushing on his prostate were the last pleasure he needed and he came violently, rocking against his bindings as his bowels spasamed and clamped down on the wonderful thick horse cock within him.
As Whitetip panted hard, enjoying the afterglow of one of the strongest orgasms he had ever had he felt the cock inside him start to soften and gradually slide out of him, accompanied by what felt like a gallon of hot, gooey horse cum. He felt hands at his wrists and ankles and it was only when he next tried to move that he realised his cuffs had been removed. He tried to get up from the position he was in but he had been stuck on his hands and knees so long that he could barely even move his limbs, instead he flopped heavily onto the bed and rolled over to try and stretch the pain put of his limbs. After a few minutes of stretching and breathing he started to feel a semblance of normality on his body and sat up. As soon as he did he looked down at his genitals and got his first look at his now neutered body. He felt the anger in him start to rise again but this time he held it in check and waited to see what happened next. He looked round and saw J, Chequer and dale all staring at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something. When he didn’t Dale finally broke the silence.
“So no hard feelings then?” he asked.
“No hard feelings! You cut my fucking balls off and made me eat one of them. How they hell do you think I feel?” said Whitetip angrily.
“Well you don’t seem as angry as earlier” the rabbit added hopefully.
“Well in all honesty I’m not right now. It takes energy to stay mad for that long and it’s amazing what a good orgasm can do for sapping your energy. But I am still fucking furious with you guys. What the hell am I meant to do now?”
“Well you could try just getting on with life” said J. There only testicles and I can give you HRT to make up for what you’re going to miss from not having them. Once we get the dose rate sorted the only difference will be you won’t be producing any sperm. Kind of like super safe sex” he added with a giggle.
“Well I’m glad you find it funny but it’s going to take more than that to make it up to me. You realise you have changed my whole life now, what if I wanted pups one day?”
“Don’t kid me Whitetip” said Dale. “When was the last time you went after a bitch. I’ve seen you chasing mares a bit but you know that’s not going to help you get pups is it. Honestly I’ve been watching you for ages and if I had even the slightest inclination that you were going to one day want to be a family man then this never would have happened”.
“It’s the fucking principle guys, what if I had wanted to one day?”
“Look Whitetip. I’m really sorry about how tonight went down but you have to admit that aside from the unscheduled operation it was been a good night yeah?” said Dale
“Apart from the op it was yeah. It’s just a shame the operation is the defining moment of the night really isn’t it you idiot”.
J was next to speak again, “Look I really am sorry about how I acted but I promise you that once you get used to this it’s not going to make all that difference to your life. The HRT will stop you suffering from lack of testosterone and you will still have a sex drive and be able to be the top guy when you want. The main differences are you can’t have pups the old fashioned way which we have already established was unlikely anyway, and now you can’t hurt your balls if you get kicked in between the legs”.
“The jokes are not fucking helping J”.
Suddenly Dale launched himself at whitetip and threw his arms round him in a tight embrace. “Listen you fool things are going to be fine” he murmured gently in the canine’s ear. “Just spend some time getting used to it and then I guarantee that you will accept it ok”.
Whitetip went to push the rabbit away but stopped himself. “Listen I have an idea. I will accept it if I can have one of your testicles right now” he grinned as he watched the rabbit try to digest this offer. “You’ve just been saying how it makes no difference so if that’s true then let me half castrate you right now and then I’ll call it quits. Otherwise, regardless of how I feel in a month I will find you and take them both, and not nicely”.
Dale opened his mouth and closed it again a few times as he stared from J to Whitetip trying to think of an answer. Whitetip noticed with some satisfaction that the Rabbits heart rate had increased massively and was now pumping furiously as he contemplated his answer. When he did answer it was barely intelligible. “Ok you can do it”.
“You’ll have to speak up Dale” said Whitetip, enjoying this immensely.
“Ok you can take one of my balls” said Dale loudly and firmly.
“That’s what I wanted to hear” he said. “J get the tools ready, we have some work to do and you have a student to teach”.
“Heh heh gladly” said the big stallion and walked over to his bag to start making the preparations.
“Glad you like the idea because after you have taught me how to do it on Dale I’m having one of yours too” said Whitetip with an evil grin on his face.
“What” stammered the stallion with a horrified look on his face, “You can’t be serious?”
“I can be and I will be. I’m taking two testicles tonight and it’s either one from each of you or one of you loses both of them. I think one each is the fairest way to go”.
“And what about Chequer?” spluttered the stallion, who was also shaking a bit now.
“He left while we were talking” said Whitetip. “Is just you, me and Dale now and I promise you that you’re both losing something tonight, it’s just the number that’s in question.
“I’ve already agreed so I think you should too” said the nervous Dale who was till nominally hugging the grinning canine though his enthusiasm for the embrace had decreased considerably. “You have always said how it makes so little difference so why not prove it, and also if you don’t I’ll help Whitetip take both of them”.
The stallion shivered in fear at Dale’s threat and hung his head. He was under no illusion that the canine would let him off with what had happened tonight and as he considered the options he had to think that it would be better to go through with it that night than have it happen some other time when he had no control over what would happen. After he thought about it for a while finally he reluctantly agreed.
“I think you made the sensible choice” said Whitetip. “Now let’s get this lesson underway and make sure you teach me properly. After all I will be working on you after Dale’s operation is finished”.
“I think that should be OK Sir. Kind of appeals to me to have the two temporarily entire males calling the neutered one Sir, seems oddly perverse don’t you think?”
Dale and J looked at each other and if you had been looking closely you might have sworn there was a trace of a smile that passed between them.
“Yes Sir” they said.
“That’s what I wanted to hear. Now let’s get on with the show”.

The End

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DarkXander: if something like this tried to befall me, it would likely end in disaster for the aggressors, any intent to cause harm to me, or real danger or imminent harm causes me to red out quite violently and have no control what so ever.

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